"83 percent of evangelical Protestants agreed that good people of other religions can go to heaven."

The headline is provocative but after reading the article it is clear that what are being treated as “Evangelicals” is quite broad so the results are not surprising.

However, I would like to see a survey of that many Conservative Evangelicals on the topic. I do know, for example, in the PCA and LCMS there are plenty of members who, though their denomination and even its local Pastor’s would clearly state and teach that salvation is through Christ alone and they have sat under this for years, would still confide that ultimately the goodness of man would have enough value to warrant salvation.

In fact, this could be and would be found in just about every fundamentalist church, though in far fewer percentages. But I would be interested in the overall percentage among CE’s (which would include fundamentalists in such a survey).

Yes, it would be interesting if the pollsters could narrow the field a bit. It is really oxymoronic to say that an evangelical believes good people without Christ can go to Heaven. Such a person is not an evangelical. But the problem is that the term “evangelical” like the term “fundamentalist” has suffered from sloppy-usage-decay and now these are kind of social categories instead of belief/practice categories.

I’m willing to claim that 100% of true evangelicals deny the possibility of heaven without faith in Jesus Christ.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

[Aaron Blumer] I’m willing to claim that 100% of true evangelicals deny the possibility of heaven without faith in Jesus Christ.
Maybe I’m mistaken, but I’m sure I’ve read statements written by both C.S. Lewis and Millard Erickson where they leave open the possibility that those who never hear the gospel may yet have eternal life through Christ. I’m thinking both say the bible doesn’t really address the issue of those who have never heard.