"If we long for the great revivals of the 18th or 19th centuries we have to take the extreme emotionalism, moralism and nationalism that were often confused with the gospel."

Conservative Christians made the mistake of believing that if we could influence politics, we could somehow save the nation. We are not saved! What we need to do is evangelize America. The methodists and baptists did this in the 1800s. Souls were saved.

Here are some of our challenges today:
1. The overwhelming influence of pop culture.
2. The supposed “right to privacy.”
3. The “perilous times” where people will reject truth for what sounds good to the ears.
4. Lots of other challenges.

In spite of the challenges, we have been entrusted with the Gospel, which is the power of God. I believe it is time for Pastor’s to get together and seek ways to evangelize America. Forget the politics and go after the souls of men and women headed for a Christless and brutal eternity. I know were are told that church planting is the way to do this. I just don’t see it being done. Most church planting that I see involves Christians leaving a church, mailing stuff out to the community, maybe phone calls to the community. BUt i really don’t see a lot of churches agressively spreading the gospel message around to a community.

One of the huge influences on religion in America has been the waves of immigration. What did the churches throughout America’s history do to reach the immigrants. The current wave of immigration is bringing the eastern religions to our doorstep. In a nearby community here, the Buddhists have purchased a million dollars in properties and they plan on establish a worldwide Buddhist Center here. I have already asked are Pastors to meet. In the meeting, I am not interested in find ways to “beat” the Buddhists. I am concerned for their souls and want to get the gospel to them so they can be saved.

What could we do to evangelize America?

By the way, while PBS is liberal, they have a fascinating series entitled “God in America” (http://www.pbs.org/godinamerica/view/?utm_campaign=homepage&utm_medium=…). I would like for some of you to check this out and let me know what you think.

Specifically, Christians are being told that they are violating people’s “right to privacy” when they witness to others.

Generally, people are more private than they were in the past. They have tv, video games, and other things that keep them to themselves. People are also incredibly busy today and when they are in their homes, they do not want to be “bothered.”

It’s not that all of this is necessarily bad in and of itself, but it does present challenges for those of us who want to bring the gospel to them.

While I would agree with Pastor Joe Roof’s direction, I would add that the reason to evangelize is not to preserve or reclaim the Christian civilization. We do that because of Christ alone, in obedience to His Great Commission.

If that brings back a former glory time, great. If not, we’ll keep on keeping on. This world’s not our home.