Al Mohler: The Reformer

After nearly 20 years at the helm of Southern Seminary, Mohler has put the finishing touches on what supporters call the “conservative resurgence” and critics bemoan as the “fundamentalist takeover”: the radical shift of SBC leadership from the moderate, even mainline-inclined theology of the 1970s to today’s firm grounding in biblical inerrancy, a complementarian view of gender roles, and, more often than not, conservative politics. Before Mohler’s appointment, Southern faculty celebrated higher biblical criticism and embraced evolutionary theory. Now the school is a bulwark of conservative Reformed theology and creationism.

I have met Dr. Mohler in person and have listened to his radio show and now his podcasts. It seemed to me in reading this article that the author overused the term “fundamentalist”. I am not so sure that he would agree with the use of the term fundamentalist to describe himself or the work he has done.

I appreciate what Dr. Mohler has done for Christianity, for the SBC and for those who are outside of the SBC. I am not sure if this article was very complimentary in its tone.

I think that we can learn a lot from what he experienced in his early days at SBTS about being faithful and committed to the truth, in spite of raging opposition, not from those who are unbelievers, but those who called themselves believers, but yet acted and reacted in some of the most ungodly behavior anyone has ever seen. I am very thankful that God has allowed SBTS to flourish once again and it has become a leading educational institution within evangelical circles.

I suspect that few who read S. B. C. House on the Sand?: Critical Issues for Southern Baptists back in 1985 could have ever expected the resurgence of conservative evangelicalism in the SBC. Mohler was and is a prime mover for that positive change!

One Amazon reviewer rightly said:
The information in the book accurately reflected the state of the Southern Baptist Convention at the time of publication. It is still a valuable historical resource.