100 Pastors to "Bait" IRS Today on "Pulpit Freedom Sunday"

Really do not care about the priority of teaching the Word of God


Whether their church retains 501(c)(3) status


Whether their church’s member are able to take a tax deduction for donations

I’m smart enough to figure out how to vote. I don’t need a Pastor to tell me!

we need a revival in America of preaching. Why have so many pastors forgotten that the church has a single task?

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Of course I agree with the above posts. I add a question though: Where does Rom. 13:1-5 enter into this?

The law does not forbid them from preaching the Bible or Jesus. It forbids them from favoring or disfavoring particular candidates while in the pulpit. It seems like scant Biblical grounds for violating Rom. 13:1-5.

There are too many of us who, in viewing the Constitution as our “Political Bible” forget that the Political Bible is still somewhat below the real Bible in importance.