Okla. Supreme Court temporarily blocks Bibles in public schools mandate
“The Oklahoma Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a measure by the state education department that would have purchased 55,000 Bibles for public schools.” - CPost
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“The Oklahoma Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a measure by the state education department that would have purchased 55,000 Bibles for public schools.” - CPost
“Every city in America is different when it comes to regulating space for churches. However, in our current cultural climate, here are some suggestions for churches to become better neighbors in their community.” - By Faith
“If affirmed, the school would be the nation’s first faith-based charter—a sea change in education law, expanding the boundaries of government aid to faith-based schools.” - The Conversation
“It should not be about imposing faith. It could be about encouraging knowledge.” - RNS
“Despite the dire warnings of an imminent and existential threat from Christian theocrats, it’s important to note that this kind of discussion, of the limits of the religious influence on the state, could only happen in a culture widely shaped by Christianity.” - Breakpoint
“Sometimes the target of these critics of Christian nationalism are folk religionists who conflate God and country….These folk religionists typically aren’t aware they are Christian nationalists…. The self-identified Christian nationalists have an agenda that fulfills the worst nightmares of many secular progressives.” - Mark Tooley
“Beyond its exploration of the past, Religion & Republic offers Protestants—and indeed any religious citizens—an option for civic engagement that avoids the extremes of apolitical submission and full-spectrum aggression.” - Acton
“Because the Bible teaches that individuals, not the state or some other entity, are accountable for themselves to God, Leland and the Baptists believed in the rights of conscience….They also believed in separation of church and state.” - P&D
“This State’s establishment of a religious charter school violates Oklahoma statutes, the Oklahoma Constitution, and the Establishment Clause. St. Isidore cannot justify its creation by invoking Free Exercise rights as a religious entity.” - Baptist Press
“The Italian Supreme Court’s harassment of an evangelical church serves as a stark reminder that the ongoing threats to religious liberty often come from those who identify as Christians.” - TGC