Franklin Graham: "The seed of Muslim is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother"

6 of one, half a dozen of the other. Now I am most certainly not defending Obama, who I consider to be an extremely wicked man. Instead, Christians like Franklin Graham should remember what we were all born as, and what we would still be were it not for the work of Jesus Christ and the grace of His Father. So, whatever argument that Graham is trying to make isn’t a Christian one, but a political one.

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura

[Jim Peet] I don’t expect the President to be “Theologian in Chief”.

With regard to Bush’s quote -” different ways of getting to the Almighty ” - he obviously was wrong.
Instead, I am more in line with Martin Luther’s statement about preferring the rule of a wise Turk (Muslim!) to that of a foolish Christian. (And when you consider that 1. Europe was basically still at war with Islam when Luther made that statement and 2. Luther was more or less a covenant theology adherent, it makes it all the more shocking.)

Instead, the issue is theologically conservative Christians’ being inconsistent in their refusal to apply the same standards to Bush as they do to Obama. The only reason for not doing so is placing one’s political and cultural conservatism ahead of their theological conservatism. Plus, please recall that Bush was not considered Christian in a merely cultural or traditional context in the same way that our many presidents from various Christian traditions and levels of observance were politely presumed to be. Instead, Bush was fully embraced by theologically conservative born again evangelical Christians as one of their own. If the people who never challenged Bush’s “born again” pronouncements are the same that are now calling Obama’s version of Christianity illegitimate, they have some explaining to do.

Now while Graham doesn’t question Obama’s Christianity, I’d still like to know where Franklin Graham was when… Bush claimed that God told him to invade Iraq , and the same goes for] socialism fighter Charles Stanley , who used to advocate for Bush and his policies from the pulpit .

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura