"...(T)he Church is not dying in America; it is alive and well, but it is alive and well among the immigrant and ethnic minority communities and not among the majority white churches in the United States."


From the article
Some of these are vying to be the only true form of evangelicalism, while others simply don’t even care about the term anymore.
Could also be said of Fundamentalism
[Edited] Some … are vying to be the only true form of [red] Fundamentalism, while others simply don’t even care about the term anymore.

Is the issue the number of regenerate Christians in this country? Well, God alone controls that. Is the issue the resources and avenues where American regenerate Christians can attain spiritual maturity? Well again, the solution to that is to trust God.

But is the issue the number of Christians who self-identify as Christian and affiliate themselves with fundamentalist or conservative evangelical ecclesiastical bodies? And the relatively privileged, powerful position that said Christians enjoy in this society because of that number? Well, those are human concerns.

Jesus Christ said “I will build my church.” We need to take the words of Jesus Christ seriously in that regard, and in all others as well.

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura http://healtheland.wordpress.com

Greg, I especially appreciated this article. I think perhaps what we are seeing worldwide — namely, Christianity growing by leaps in bounds in the non-west while the west is declining, is what we see in microcosm here in the U.S.
The evangelical churches are so absorbed with excellence and other Germanic-ethic/ baby boomer perfectionism that it often misses the idea of loving God and loving people, in my opinion. This is probably where the immigrant churches excel. I certainly see it.

"The Midrash Detective"