Alliance Defense Fund: "It’s a very dangerous precedent"

Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality U.S. District Judge George Caram Steeh dismissed Ward’s lawsuit against Eastern Michigan University. She was removed from the school’s counseling program last year because she refused to counsel homosexual clients. The university contended she violated school policy and the American Counseling Association code of ethics. “Christian students shouldn’t be expelled for holding to and abiding by their beliefs,” said ADF senior counsel David French. “To reach its decision, the court had to do something that’s never been done in federal court: uphold an extremely broad and vague university speech code.”


I wonder if the national media is going to launch a campaign to get her back into school - or to identify a school that is more suitable for her Christian beliefs - the way that they did for Shirley Sherrod. My take: don’t hold your breath. “Homosexual” now trumps “black” in the identity politics racket. I can’t help being reminded of Pat Buchanan’s complaint that “white Catholics, Mormons and Christians” are being denied admittance into elite universities like Harvard. Well, Eastern Michigan can hardly be called elite (though it certainly has a better reputation the university that I attended) but I still think that a debate over whether Bible-believing Christians should attend schools like these in the first place is a worthy one to have, especially if they are going to major in things like psychology and counseling. (For instance, would we advocate majoring in religion, theology, divinity etc. at a state university, or for that matter at college other than one which offers a Biblical worldview?) I noted where EMU used in their defense the fact that other Christian students in their program were just fine with affirming homosexuality as part of their counseling education. The assumption that Ward was the first Christian with “orthodox” (her words) beliefs to be subjected to this a bad one, and that the other Christians just went along to get along. So, it is easy to take the position that if you want to go into counseling, then find an evangelical college that offers it.

However, if I were to personally take that position, I would be a hypocrite, because in order to get through biology in public school - and make a reasonably good grade in doing so - I had to regurgitate the evolution prattle that I knew was a lie just like everybody else. (Our pastor said it was OK to tell our teachers what they wanted to hear in order to get through school so long as we didn’t believe it.) So gee, how was what I did any better than the actions of the Christian students in that EMU counseling program who didn’t take the Julea Ward stand?

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura