Ukrainian Christians Plead with Trump Administration
“Part of our protecting religious-freedom initiatives means recognizing, in our foreign policy, the difference between regimes that respect religious freedom and those that do not … The United States must be able to make that distinction.” - CToday
Sadly, far too many conservatives, including Christian conservatives, do not see that Putin's war on Ukraine is a continuation of a neo-Soviet project he's arguably been working on since the fall of the Berlin Wall. And if Putin's career is indeed a neo-Soviet project, that means that the end goal is not Crimea and the Donbas. It is Berlin. Consider:
- Putin's job until the Berlin Wall fell was to support the KGB in East Germany, more or less upholding the secret police, the Stasi. He's never apologized for taking part in this Stalinist endeavor.
- In 1991, he described the fall of the Berlin Wall as a "catastrophe" and the re-unification of Germany as "colonization". In other words, he views all of Eastern Europe as a Soviet/Russian province.
- Most of his closest political allies are in the FSB, the successor organization to the KGB.
- Ever since he took power in 1999, he's ruthlessly eliminated his political rivals and dissidents in the media, using KGB-developed techniques like Novichok, polonium (Russia is the world's major producer), and defenestration.
- Ever since he took power in 1999 , he's waged a series of wars--Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, Ukraine--where a key part of the plan has been to attack civilian targets. Almost all long range strikes in Ukraine are of targets with no military significance like hospitals, apartment buildings, and the like.
- Ever since he took power in 1999, he's been sending paramilitary forces to shore up pro-Russian regimes around the world.
- In his invasion of Ukraine, many of his armored columns were flying the hammer and sickle, and several statues of Lenin were erected in the cities he took.
Don't be confused by his partnership with Patriarch Kyrill; the same worked for the KGB, too. Whether we like it or not, Communism did not die with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It went quiet to regroup and re-arm.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.