Chris Anderson’s “The Scandal of Schism” – A Review
Every Fundamentalist needs to read Chris Anderson’s new book The Scandal of Schism. The book charts the currents that are pulling younger Fundamentalists away from a strict separatist position. We ignore Anderson’s work to our own peril. His words must either be refuted from the Bible or acknowledged to be biblical.
In his characteristically self-assured fashion, Michael Barrett (Anderson’s lifelong mentor and former professor at Bob Jones University) sets the tone for the book in his endorsement,
In the providence of God, I was born, raised, educated, and involved in ministering within extreme fundamentalist environments. Ironically and thankfully, it was in those places that I became thoroughly convinced of Calvinism and covenant/reformed theology… . I serve now in a wider, yet conservative, evangelical environment without a guilty conscience.
Barrett’s disciple follows in his mentor’s footsteps,
I’ve become more comfortable over the years deferring to Christians on my left—people who may be less conservative than me on some issues but who share a love for Christ, for expository preaching, for reformed soteriology, and so on. Conversely, I’ve tended to roll my eyes at Christians on my right—people who still use the King James Version, who have more traditional services, or who minimize election. (160)
Fundamentalists are not the only ones that Anderson is writing to: “Every time I see a faithful brother criticized, censured, or canceled by fellow conservative evangelicals, I want to scream, ‘I’ve lived in hyper-separatist isolation. You don’t want to go there!’” (14) Anderson does not want “fellow conservative evangelicals” to hike the hyper-separatist trail that the Fundamentalists have blazed.
“Sadly,” Anderson observes, “whereas fundamentalists were right to combat apostasy (modernists) and to separate from compromise (new evangelicals), many drifted from a healthy defense of the truth into a schismatic spirit” (29). Hence, Fundamentalism “became mean” and “fractured through continual fault-finding and infighting” (30).
It was at a Together For the Gospel (T4G) event that Anderson finally “could enjoy fellowship with like-minded Christians and ministries on the basis of like precious faith, regardless of their denominational or historic affiliations” (47). Liberated from legalism, he is now “living by principle, not fear” (62). Though no longer a hyper-separatist, he does still call for separating from false teachers and unrepentant Christians.
Anderson criticizes Evangelist Billy Graham for aligning with those who deny the Gospel, but he also describes Graham as “the world’s greatest evangelist” and a “beloved gospel preacher [who] did a great deal of good” (70,71).
In chapters eight through eleven, Anderson intensifies his condemnation of unbiblical separation (or schism):
We should value every gospel-preaching church, imperfect as it may be. And more to the point, we should fear raising a finger—or a voice—against any body of believers… . We might well repurpose 1 Chronicles16:22 to refer to the church: “Touch not God’s anointed.” (121)
Chapter 11 pertains specifically to worship. Anderson admits he has “relaxed a bit regarding acceptable music styles” (125). He now calls most “arguments in favor of conservative music … ludicrous … borderline racist … comically pseudo-scientific … [and] alarmingly elitist” (126). He looks to the Psalms for his worship standards:
The inspired hymnal and handbook which tells us how our glorious God should be praised … [is] astoundingly expressive and emotive. Sometimes we weep as we worship God. But sometimes we shout, or clap, or (dare I say it) even dance. (131)
Anderson pleads with his “more conservative friends” to “stop pressing your preferences onto other people’s consciences. Stop justifying unbiblical judgmentalism. And stop separating from faithful brothers and sisters over musical preferences” (134, 135). In the book, music and alcohol are Anderson’s two favorite hobby horses.
Approaching the end of his book, Anderson encourages pastors to communicate this message to their people: “We don’t all have to listen to the same music. We don’t all have to home school, or Christian school, or public school. We don’t have to agree on alcohol. We don’t have to agree on politics” (141). To him, unity is Gospel-based (a major theme of T4G), and for the Gospel’s sake he pleads for deference among Christians. He closes his book by condemning “systemic racism” (163) and promoting a “big-tent orthodoxy” (177).
As a former hyper-separatist, Anderson confesses that at one time “anybody less conservative than me was a liberal or a new evangelical, and anybody more conservative than me was a legalist” (38). I must admit that this statement brought specific people to my mind!
Anderson’s division of all issues into “Core doctrines,” “Important doctrines,” and “Peripheral issues” is a useful analytical tool when determining how much and with whom we can cooperate in Gospel ministry (159).
Although I appreciate Anderson’s many nostalgic and helpful points, he comes across as a little arrogant in his book. The reason he gives for why he and his ministry friends have shifted their position on separation is because “after ten or fifteen years of preaching multiple times a week, we came to know the Scriptures really well. We learned discernment” (49). Didn’t their Fundamentalist Forefathers also preach “multiple times a week?” Didn’t they possess the same Spirit of discernment?
While considering Romans 14, Anderson claims that the Apostle Paul “is discussing practices that are amoral, not immoral” (155). I would love to pin Anderson down on which modern issues he classifies as “amoral”? Is music amoral? Was it wrong for me to be bothered when a musician sang “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” to the tune of Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places” at a local evangelistic meeting ( Is hard liquor amoral? Is it wrong for me to distance myself from certain pastors who constantly post pictures of themselves imbibing? Is dress amoral? Do Christians have the right to wear bikinis and Speedos to a “mixed bathing” event? Surely, there are some boundaries.
Many of our Fundamentalist Forefathers opposed the “worldly practices” sanctioned in Anderson’s book because they were saved out of them. Understanding the powerful draw of these practices, they did not want themselves or others to be ensnared by them. Many third and fourth generation Fundamentalists have never experienced the ill-effects of activities such as drinking alcohol, gambling, dancing, etc., and this makes them unaware of their dangers.
Anderson saturates his book with the perspectives of Reformed Christians—both past and present. I would suggest he make some new friends among Arminian groups such as the Free Will Baptists and evangelical Methodists/Wesleyans. In his book, he fails to appreciate the odors emanating from these flowers in God’s garden. Perhaps he should show deference to their lack of “reformed soteriology” for the sake of a broader Gospel witness. Grace.
Some apply First Corinthians 15:33 very strictly: “Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals” (ESV). They are labeled hyper-separatists. Others apply it less strictly. They are labeled compromisers. Who is right? Jesus’ words in Luke 7:35 give the only possible answer to this question: “Wisdom is justified of all her children.” In other words, only time will tell.
C. D. Cauthorne Bio
C. D. Cauthorne Jr. earned his BA and MA at Bob Jones University during the 1990s. He and his wife Heather serve at Calvary Baptist Church near Clintwood, Virginia, where C. D. is pastor.
The only post that I was aware of, and that I could find, was the post that I posted above, where he cautioned about Mark Driscoll.
I am less concerned about Calvinism, even though I am not an ardent adherent to it. When I was at BJU from 1989 to 1994 (same time as Chris), Calvinism was rampant in the ministerial class. While the professors did not teach it becuase of the stance of the University, it was clear that some had sympathy toward it. I also know that many that I knew in the ministerial class were Calvinist or sympathetic to Calvinism. A rule came out, I think my Junior year on campus that discouraged arguing between the two camps. Some of those students have gone on to lead Reformed Churches. In fact, I am sometimes surprised at the number of BJU ministry graduates who lead Reformed churches.
Don, although we have not met, we have interacted enough here on SI that I consider you a friend. Based on what you have written, I can say that we agree on far more than we disagree on. Still there have been a number of things we have disagreed on.
If I were to praise you- as I expect I will from time to time- should other SI members who strongly disagree with you separate from me because of that praise if I do not also give a disclaimer about what I believe to be your errors? What if I even recommend one of your P&D articles without a disclaimer? Should those who disagree with you separate from me?
I understand that you are taking your positions in good conscience and that you believe you are correct- and on most issues I believe you are-, but others may not see it that way. So, if they were to apply your standard, should they thus separate?
First, remember that I am saying that the relationship began to cool at that point.
From there, I have come to seriously question Chris's wisdom and discernment and have said so from time to time publicly, as we had public disagreements on his blog and elsewhere.
It is not one single post that led me to this view, but a collective.
In the post in question, it wasn't simply the lack of disclaimer but the effusive praise when it should have been clear that the individual praised wasn't worthy of it.
At least that's the way I recall it. I will grant that memory can be faulty.
Anyway, let's not make the thread about me. The article is a critical review of Chris' book, and that should be the focus of the discussion. I think the book is an ongoing example of Chris' lack of discernment.
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
I do not come down hard on either side of the debates over divine sovereignty or human responsibility, but I've just got to say, as I remember Jack Schaap's signature "polishing the shaft" "sermon, that if the worst that can be said about the neo-Calvinist fundamentalists is that they might slip a bit of Anglo-Saxon verbiage out from time to time, they're doing pretty well.
And yes, it's not THAT clean, as I remember Driscoll's buddy James MacDonald and their antics together, but really.
No doubt that one's character, especially the word choices one uses, have a lot to do with Godliness and one's fitness for ministry. That goes for Anglo-Saxon verbiage, and it also goes for things like personal attacks and such from the pulpit and elsewhere--which I've seen on both sides of this debate here. Ephesians 4:29 can refer to use of Anglo-Saxon, but in its context, I'd argue it refers even more to cheap shots and personal attacks.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
C.D. Cauthorne Jr. said:
Every Fundamentalist needs to read Chris Anderson’s new book The Scandal of Schism. The book charts the currents that are pulling younger Fundamentalists away from a strict separatist position. We ignore Anderson’s work to our own peril. His words must either be refuted from the Bible or acknowledged to be biblical.
If you think that he has made some specific arguments concerning music and the Bible that you think need to be refuted, I'd like to hear more about what those are.
Review: "While considering Romans 14, Anderson claims that the Apostle Paul 'is discussing practices that are amoral, not immoral' (155). I would love to pin Anderson down on which modern issues he classifies as 'amoral'?"
I ordered Chris's book - but I disagree with this small quote. Romans 14 isn't about things that are amoral. It's about things that are immoral for some Christians.
Romans 14 isn't about things that are amoral. It's about things that are immoral for some Christians.
For someone to say that specific things that are not explicitly spoken of in the passage are "immoral for some Christians" but not for others would be to say that those things in and of themselves are not immoral. That would be a truth claim that would have to be proven on some biblical basis for it to be valid--Romans 14 does not establish the validity of such a claim.
Romans 14 does not establish the validity of such a claim
If each is to be convinced in his own mind, then it cannot be inherently immoral. The only question is how broad that category is.
If each is to be convinced in his own mind, then it cannot be inherently immoral. The only question is how broad that category is.
It seems that you may be saying more or less the same thing that I said in my comments.
My point was that someone who claims that the teaching of Romans 14 applies to specific things that are not directly mentioned in Romans 14 cannot legitimately use Romans 14 to assert that those things are not inherently immoral. They must provide some other biblical basis to establish that those specific things are also in view in the teaching that is in Romans 14 about things that are such that each is to be convinced in his own mind.
If you think that he has made some specific arguments concerning music and the Bible that you think need to be refuted, I'd like to hear more about what those are.
Anderson draws his Biblical arguments for worship from the book of Psalms rather than passages in the Bible condemning worldliness or associations. Hence, he defends the use of things such as drums and dance in worship.
Can we say there is anything wrong with having a drum set on the church platform if the Psalms allow for it? Can we condemn dancing as a form of worship if the Psalms allow for it? Since the Psalms allow for clapping as a means of praising God, shouldn't we?
He presents a Psalm-centered theology of worship. If we want to stem the growing tide of contemporary worship within Fundamentalism, we must deal with his Psalm-centered arguments. I suggest you read the book and work through his points.
It seems that Romans 14 deals with things that some believers think are immoral and others think are amoral and on which the Bible has no clear declaration. The text encourages believers to hold to their own conscience on such matters and not force their consciences on others or condemn those who disagree with them. THIS idea of tolerance is central to Anderson's book.
SUGGESTION!!!! Maybe if everyone here read the book and then engaged it would be helpful. If they also could deal with Anderson's Biblical support for his position.
"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan
"Can we condemn dancing as a form of worship if the Psalms allow for it? Since the Psalms allow for clapping as a means of praising God, shouldn't we?"
Allowing for drums, and dance, and clapping doesn't mean allowing for all forms of drums, dance, and clapping. That's the fundamental issue. Conservatives don't have any problems with drums in the church. We have timpani and cymbals but they are not played in a rock/pop style -- it is majestic and keeping with the character of God.
Dancing is any sort of bodily movement that keeps time with the music. We have children's groups that incorporate that sort of thing and clapping with some of their songs, and there is nothing objectionable to it at all. It's not sensual/erotic in any sense, or out of control. It's not Pentecostal and it's not pop-style either.
So, we fully embrace the Psalms style of worship but do so without incorporating wicked elements of the world's culture.
I wish we could stop with the Psalm 150 argument because Psalm 150 doesn't say anything goes with drums, dancing, or clapping.
He presents a Psalm-centered theology of worship. If we want to stem the growing tide of contemporary worship within Fundamentalism, we must deal with his Psalm-centered arguments. I suggest you read the book and work through his points.
It strikes me that CD hits at one of the key difficulties in the cultural arguments we have. Specifically, all too often, the emphasis is to achieve the desired result, rather than to ask "what does Scripture actually say about this?". Too many then get to the point of arguing around what Scripture actually says. And that is clearly that God commands the use of certain dance and percussive instruments to His people in the OT dispensation of law.
It doesn't mean that every dance or every use of percussive instruments is edifying, but I think it does mean that we can rightly infer--also see David's dance before the Ark--that Old Testament worship was a bit more exuberant than we might be used to. They way I put it is that God's message ought to convey itself from our hearts and minds to our hands and feet.
Regarding Romans 14, given that both Jew and Gentile were, within their cultures, enthusiastic meat eaters when they could afford it, and that there is little chance that Paul is affirming the celebration of Roman/Greek holidays for pagan gods. Hence, what seems to be at hand is many believers thinking they needed to keep kosher, or alternatively to move on from the Jewish festivals not required for Gentiles.
The way it's too often interpreted, in my view, is that anyone with an objection to a particular practice can say "I have a Romans 14 issue with that", and that is supposed to end discussion--it becomes in certain regards a pseudo-sanctified version of "hostage-taking" that can often deprive Christians of their freedom and their joy.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
Anderson draws his Biblical arguments for worship from the book of Psalms rather than passages in the Bible condemning worldliness or associations. Hence, he defends the use of things such as drums and dance in worship.
Can we say there is anything wrong with having a drum set on the church platform if the Psalms allow for it? Can we condemn dancing as a form of worship if the Psalms allow for it? Since the Psalms allow for clapping as a means of praising God, shouldn't we?
He presents a Psalm-centered theology of worship. If we want to stem the growing tide of contemporary worship within Fundamentalism, we must deal with his Psalm-centered arguments. I suggest you read the book and work through his points.
I have been studying the Psalms (as well as the rest of the Bible) intensively for the last 14 years concerning what they teach about music and worship. A Psalms-centered theology of worship absolutely does not equate to what contemporary worship advocates assert is true about acceptable music for corporate worship.
I had an extended conversation on Saturday morning with a former BJU Seminary Greek faculty member who just finished reading this book. I encouraged him to write a review of the book and address its arguments.
Based on what has been shared by you in your review and in other comments in this thread, I doubt that there will be anything in the book that is substantively different than the dozens of other works (books, articles, blog posts) supportive of contemporary worship that I have thoroughly examined in the past 14 years.
If you think that he has made some specific arguments concerning music and the Bible that you think need to be refuted, I'd like to hear more about what those are.
Anderson draws his Biblical arguments for worship from the book of Psalms rather than passages in the Bible condemning worldliness or associations. Hence, he defends the use of things such as drums and dance in worship.
Can we say there is anything wrong with having a drum set on the church platform if the Psalms allow for it? Can we condemn dancing as a form of worship if the Psalms allow for it? Since the Psalms allow for clapping as a means of praising God, shouldn't we?
He presents a Psalm-centered theology of worship. If we want to stem the growing tide of contemporary worship within Fundamentalism, we must deal with his Psalm-centered arguments. I suggest you read the book and work through his points.
So, am I to conclude that we are supposed to reject what the Psalms teach because the Psalms are too worldly? I sure hope that is not what is being said, but a lot of the arguments I have heard through the years sound an awful lot like that. Then when enough vocal voices make those arguments, suddenly we have peer pressure to reject the Bible in favor of those loud voices. That is not standing for the fundamentals of Biblical faith, but rather the fundamentals of peer pressure.