Is Double Predestination Fair?
“The opposite of election is reprobation, sometimes called double predestination. This is the belief that God not only predetermines those who will be saved but also predetermines those who will not be saved. Admittedly, this is a hard doctrine.” - Kevin DeYoung
This is a classic example of human logic applied to doctrine. One side of this is well taught in Scripture, and is not arguable that words and statements to the effect exist. So the adjunct understanding then must also be true!?
It would be, if God anywhere were explicitly stating that fact, in the same manner and clarity as the former. But when you go to find statements equal to the first but stating that second conclusion.. [crickets]
In this you can see human inference and logic vie with clear revelation. If God had wanted us to think in this manner, even one clear statement to the effect would have dispelled all questions.
We all know very well how God represents his position on the death of the wicked. Why? Because clear statements of his intent and actions, as well as many revelations of why the wicked die, exist.
The article put forward Romans 9:22; Jude 4; and 1 Peter 2:8. That's not crickets.
Michael Osborne
Philadelphia, PA
*first rebuttal withdrawn for a day or two of reflection.