The Pursuit of Excellence in Conservative Christian Music

“Pop culture and the pop style of music in general has infiltrated and reshaped much of the thinking, writing, arranging, and performing of Christian music, even within much of ‘conservative’ Christianity.” - Taigen Joos


I recently attended the funeral of a long time friend and Christian brother. Part of the service was a 20 person ukelele band that performed a well rehearsed 15 minute medley of familiar Christian hymns and Gospel songs. Was this excellent music?

This is the question that has kept this type of discussion going for decades. Just give us actual examples or a list of excellent Christian music that is acceptable along with actual examples or a list of music that is unacceptable so people don't have to worry.

We are told we should use excellent music. We agree. Yet no one will give us an example of excellent music. We are told we should not use "sinful" or "bad" or "uncheckable" music. We agree. Yet no one will give us an example of that music.

People need simple answers.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan