Bob Jones University Has a New President
“On May 7, 2024, Bob Jones University’s Board of Trustees announced the election of Joshua Crockett—a man who has faithfully served the Lord for nearly 20 years in ministry—as BJU’s sixth president.” - BJU
So BJU's new President has a recent Doctorate from Liberty University? Interesting.
Wally Morris
Huntington, IN
I am largely supportive of the choice of Dr Crockett. I had no idea who they would choose, but am pleased with this choice. I’ve met Josh a couple of times. He has a big job ahead of him. His track record in the ministry has been good.
Leading a University will be a whole new challenge of course. Most likely there is no perfect candidate, but I think he checks most of the boxes I had on my wish list. I’m looking forward to him bringing stability to BJU and positive leadership going forward. May God grant his grace and many more years of effectiveness for BJU until the Lord comes.
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
Dr. Crockett's current church is not KJVO--they point rightly to the inspiration and inerrancy of the autographs--but the statement in their constitution that the KJV will be the only translation in English speaking ministries gives me pause. I love and read the KJV, but for a huge portion of Americans, it's an entirely inappropriate translation to use because they simply don't speak Jacobean English.
Also of concern is whether this represents something of a "regression" by BJU into older historical patterns.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
I’m another interested alum. I have no familiarity with the choice at all (beyond what was posted in the brief bio), but I chatted briefly with someone at Morningside (who also works at BJU), and while they are sad on one side to be losing their pastor, they are excited about BJU’s future, and largely supportive of the choice. They also agreed that he brings a lot to the table, and they are praying that he can learn the ropes quickly. I pray that is the case as well.
Dave Barnhart
I don’t want to completely derail this thread with KJV topics, but given the University’s current position on the scriptures, I wouldn’t think that someone who comes from a church that only uses the KJV will be able to change much at the university in that regard. Of course, if all the members of the BoD think the same way, then that may be something else entirely.
I’m KJV-preferred myself, but the older I get, and seeing the education level of people today, who aren’t learning 400-year-old English (whoda thunk it?!), I have come to believe that the use of the KJV in church should be limited to extremely familiar passages (like the creation account, Easter & Christmas passages, etc.) and particular occasions or things like the Lord’s Supper, benedictions, etc., where the newer versions still sound less majestic to me. IMHO, there’s still something to be said for the extra majesty, elegance, and dignity the older version lends to the scriptures, particularly at times of celebration, even if that’s not what we read every day.
Dave Barnhart
Interesting Choice. I have nothing bad to say about Josh. He is a godly man. He is young and energetic. He has led Morningside for quite some time very well. I know his brother Nathan fairly well. His brother is a teacher at the school and well respected by students and faculty. A number of executives, leaders and faculty of BJU are members at Morningside. He does not have any experience leading a large institution like a University, although he has held some leadership in Christian education circles. I have no indication that he would not be able to do a good job in this role, but I am surprised by the pick. I would have expected a candidate with more mature leadership credentials in the type of scenario that is being faced. But again, the bench strength within fundamentalism is weak and getting weaker. I am also very surprised by a 5 year contract. Very, very unusual. It sends one of the following messages. First, they are placing a huge level of confidence in this candidate and want to convey this confidence. Very unusual in the first contract, as there is no track record. Second, the board wants or expects a lot of change, some that will be very disruptive and want to set confidence to the new President that he has the runway to execute those changes (similiar to what Al Mohler got at Southern). I don't think this is going to take place, as a massive change will cause the University to just collapse. Third, inexperience of the board in this situation.
He has a lot of work ahead of him, as the board lacks much credibility with the alumni or friends of the school. He will have to overcome them. From what I have heard from current students is "meh". Not a lot of excitement, but a sense that it could have been worse. They are willing to give him a try.
I wish him the best of success. I pray that God will use him and that he will be successful and that the University will grow as a result. God uses people of all types to lead and fulfill His plan. I want the University to be successful, I want Josh to be successful. I don't want the University to go backwards, but I also don't want it to just be a Liberty. Time will tell. For now, I support the University and pray that God is glorified.
I knew nothing about Josh before the announcement. My wife and I were at BJ in 2022 for Homecoming, the first time in a long time, and had a pleasant experience. I know all the changes don't sit right with some alumni but I remember the old saying someone told me as a young pastor long ago: You can please some of the people some of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all of the time.
I wish Josh well. For a young guy he's taken on a huge task. I hope some of the transition team like Benson stick around to work with him.
For me the bigger question is how big the BJ tent will be. For example, I know two grads who have been in ministry for every 40 years, one of them a stone's throw from BJ. Both are authors and have been faithful and fundamental in all ways that really count. Neither of them have ever been invited back to BJ to speak in chapel or any other venue. I suspect there might be some old resentments somewhere from the old guard. Now I know not everyone who's ever graduated can or should be invited to speak in chapel. But these two men are exceptional speakers and I've scratched my hairless head to understand how the good ole boy functions or functioned. Hopefully that is achanging.
Again I wish Josh and the school well. Bible believing Christians need a good university and BJ exudes excellence in so many ways. There are so few schools to recommend. BJ is still one I do recommend.
Josh is a good choice. Praying for him and his family. As Stephen mentioned, BJU offers a helpfully unique (rather than distractingly odd of the 80s and 90s) combination of biblical faithfulness, serious academic rigor, and exposure to a thorough biblical worldview. The church needs schools like BJU.
I remain disappointed in and watchful of the BOT. As best I know no BOT members are non-baptist. And I have yet to see substantive efforts to engage all the constituents of the school. Much less own and ask forgiveness for their role in the painful last two years. A BOT that is full of truth and full of grace will welcome rather than fear/shun the input (some of which might be rubbish) of all the school's constituents.
Dave Barnhart