3 Lines of Evidence for Jesus’s Resurrection
“Jesus Christ’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. It is both a central doctrine and the central supporting evidence for the truth of the faith.” - Reasons
Let me add to this:
Empty Tomb: We know the tomb was empty, because we have historical evidence that the tombs of the apostles were venerated in Ancient times. The tombs of Peter and Paul in Rome are the most well documented along with the veneration attached to them. If Jesus had truly been buried and left in a tomb, it is highly unlikely that it would not have been venerated in some form or shape in the first century.
Jesus Appearance: We know of ancient writings, such as the those from Gnostics on their rebuttal of what was presented by the Apostles in the first century. I Corinthians 15:6 makes mention of those reading this letter had seen the risen Christ and were alive to substantiate the claims Paul was making. We do not see a rebuttal of this, or a cry out of heresy to Paul and the Apostle's claims that He had risen and appeared. We do start seeing them appear in the mid-100's by Celsus that is rebutted by Origen some time later.
Eyewitness Claims: I Corinthians was written about 20 years after Christ's death. The earliest copy of the book is from about 170 AD. Galatians mentions the theme of the resurrection and was written only about 15 years after Christ's death. It is also found in the same copy of the book of I Corinthians. This is actually amazingly close not only in authorship, but in fully copies of the book compared to any other early writing from the 1st century.