Were you reared by godly, born-again Christian parents? This refers to while growing up, not subsequently.

Forum category

We know that God has no grand children.

I consider to be uniquely populated by solid, Biblically-leaning believers.

I am curious as to our backgrounds. Did we come mostly from Christian homes?

If your parents were converted after you or shortly before you, then please answer with the “no” that fits.

Looking forward to learning a lot.

Please participate in this poll.

Also please understand that “mom” and “dad” can be substitute figures if you were reared by relatives or guardians.

If one parent was “not a dedicated believer,” this covers both unbelievers and those who made professions but were not very devout.

Obviously, no one knows the heart. We are talking here about outward impressions.

I consider this one of my more important polls.

Poll Results

Were you reared by godly, born-again Christian parents? This refers to while growing up, not subsequently.

Yes, although imperfect, both my parents were dedicated faithful believers. Votes: 18
My mom was religious, but not born again; my dad was not very religious. Votes: 3
My dad was religious, but not born again. but my mom was not. Votes: 0
My parents were religious but not born again. Votes: 2
I thought one or both parents were born-again believers, but or both later proved otherwise. Votes: 0
My parents were either atheistic or agnostic or had no significant connection to Christianity. Votes: 2
Other Votes: 2
My mom was a dedicated faithful believer, my dad was not. Votes: 1
My dad was a dedicated faithful believer, my mom was not. Votes: 0
Both parents were professed born-again Christians, but were not very devout at the time. Votes: 0
Both parents were up and down, but professed the new birth. Votes: 1
My parents were not very religious and probably not born again while I was being reared. Votes: 1
For a while, it seemed one or both parents were believers, but fell away and became nominal or worse. Votes: 0
I am unsure how to characterize my parents’ spiritual condition. Votes: 1
I was neither raised by my parents nor did I have long term parental guardians. Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


It is obvious that as many categories as Ed could think of, he put as an answer. It was a valiant effort. But one (significant?) category is missing, and so I had to answer “Other.”

I would say my mom was not “a dedicated believer,” but was “a professed born-again Christian, but was not very devout at the time,” while my dad was an unbeliever. So no answer category fit that combination of “a non-dedicated believer paired with unbeliever.” I don’t find the answer of “My mom was religious, but not born again; my dad was not very religious” as accurate, since I see her as opposite: born-again, but not very religiously devoted.

Scott Smith, Ph.D.

The goal now, the destiny to come, holiness like God—
Gen 1:27, Lev 19:2, 1 Pet 1:15-16

Wouldn’t you know it!

"The Midrash Detective"

I went ahead and chose option 1. My parents were dedicated believers, but did not become Christians until around the time I was 6, and they started trying different churches, not knowing exactly what to pick. I was saved at age 7 in the church they ended up joining, and though there are obvious differences between adults and children, a lot of our growth in the faith happened in parallel, so I could see them learning and changing as I was attempting to do the same. So in many ways they were quite a bit more immature as Christians than typical Christian parents would be, but they were indeed dedicated, so there were things they changed or removed from their lives as they grew that typical Christian parents wouldn’t have done in the first place. They are in their 80’s now, and still dedicated, but of course not always able to participate as they used to. God has really used them in my life and my siblings’ lives.

Dave Barnhart

I found it interesting that over a third of SI participants were reared in families where neither one or both parents were solidly following the Lord.

So many Christians, it seems, assume we all were raised in Christian homes because they were.

I was at a ministry outreach (that focuses in on reaching children’) pastors breakfast once; I believe in this ministry. However, the director asked how many of us were raised in Christian homes. The other four or five pastors raised their hands except for me. Then he asked how many of us came to Christ while under 12 years of age. Again, all raised their hands but me. He didn’t see the contradiction and how that contradicted his point. The point was that most children who come to the Lord and go on with the Lord were raised in Christian homes! Otherwise, we would expect to see pastors who were not from Christian homes and yet were saved during childhood!

The truth is, of course, that some children come to the Lord and walk with the Lord — perhaps even ending up in ministry — who were saved at an early age but not raised in a Christian home. I believe in evangelizing children. But that is not where his logic would have led us, but he (and the others, apparently) never connected those dots.

God saves people at all ages. I was saved at age 17, and I have seen people genuinely (IMO) saved in their 80’s.

Since I consider SI participants to be particularly solid, it is encouraging that perhaps a third are a fruit of ministry who reached them from unsaved homes.

On the other hand, we sadly see SO MANY who were raised in solid homes not follow the Lord. And that is a heartbreak.

"The Midrash Detective"

I’ve been on both sides of this one. I was raised in an unbelieving home and saved by God at 14. I raised my children in the church and they both made professions at around 8-9 but have both since apostatized. The reality of course is that regeneration is ultimately the work of the Spirit but it’s easy to believe that the Lord often saves those who grow up under the hearing of the gospel.

Sorry to hear this. It is a heart-break indeed. You are right, regeneration is ultimately the work of the Spirit.

We have begun a tradition of dedicating two services a year just to pray for straying and lost family members or close friends. These heartaches are ubiquitous, sadly.

"The Midrash Detective"