Ergun Caner has apologized for calling Jerry Rankin a liar.

Throughout my lifetime I have heard preachers tell fantastic stories. The one that comes most readily to mind is a story that was frequently used in sermons about tithing. There was a famous wealthy man, the story goes, who had become so successful in business that he lived on ten or twenty percent of his income and gave the rest to God’s work. The story included details of his early life and when he began to tithe. I forget the man’s name but a few years ago when I heard the story again I googled his name. Not surprisingly, I found out that the timeline of his life didn’t fit with portions of the tithing story.

The internet has made it almost impossible for preachers to get away with telling tall tales, as it is very easy to verify the facts.

Ergun Caner is in a spot of trouble because he is now being held accountable for his words that cannot be verified.

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sowing and reaping.

Surely the irony cannot escape Ergun Caner. Sow Good and you will reap good. Sow bad and you will reap bad. Sometimes you will reap bad really quickly. BTW, Mr. Caner’s public apology is good sowing. I hope it reaps from it as quickly.

If Caner was quoted correctly I don’t know how he could make the following statement based on the controversy in Malaysia over the use of Allah. “So even the Muslim scholars, even the Muslim leaders — the imams and the leadership — even they know that word is exclusive for the Muslim world.” The use of Allah is not exclusive for the Muslim world. I just returned from Beirut. The Christians there use the word “Allah” for God. This does not mean that the identity of Allah for Christians and Muslims is the same any more than the use of “God” in English refers to the same person when used of a Christian or a Jehovah’s Witness. The word is the same. The identity is not.

Stephen M. Davis, PhD is external) is external)

[JohnBrian] The good doctor has some more explaining to do. is external)] A Response to Dr. Ergun Caner, President, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

Here is a shortcut to the link is external)] is external)
Yes, there is strong evidence that Caner has, we’ll say, crafted, parts of his persona. This is a problem, of course, but I’d like to zoom out a bit. The high-energy, high publicity, revivalist type of Christianity which runs through Liberty is prone to these things. When preaching is conceived of like movies - the next sermon must be bigger, badder, more memorable - the preacher is already in a very dangerous situation. Since Caner is not really considered a scholar in any field (although he sometimes seems well-versed in Islam), I’m assuming that Liberty conceives of the office of “President” as a dynamic evangelist-type personality who can churn out popular-level books and make provocative statements about high-profile events and people. His job seems to be to attract attention (and students). It’s easy to see how someone in that kind of environment could be tempted to pad the truth for dramatic effect. What other sorts of attitudes and pressures encourage this behavior in Christian leaders?

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Cor meum tibi offero Domine prompte et sincere. ~ John Calvin