Ergun Caner Calls the "Camel Method" Heresy

Southern Baptist Seminary President Labels IMB Mission Strategy ‘Heresy’

Caner said Allah as described in the Quran and the God revealed in the Bible have nothing in common. To suggest otherwise, he said, is “absolute, fundamental deception.” “You can’t start an evangelistic enterprise based on deception,” Caner said. “I just can’t imagine that type of lying, and that’s exactly what I call it. “So you’re saying [IMB President ] Jerry Rankin lies?” he continued. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”


also in the archive from june 2008:] SBC Problem: Camel Tracks…

the last line in the abp article is interesting. is it possible to teach heresy without being a heretic?

personally i don’t see how the introduction to Jesus by the camel method is any different than paul’s introduction as Him being the unknown God. was paul really saying that the true God was one they were already worshiping?

I haven’t been really impressed with Caner, but I think I agree with him on this. As far as what Paul said in Acts 17:23: “To worship an unknown god is to admit one’s ignorance. If he is unknown to you, you are then in total ignorance of his true nature…their worship was totally wrongheaded. They did not know God at all; they didn’t worship him at all” (Polhill). N.B. Stonehouse makes the point that you canot worship what you are ignorant of. Paul was really saying that they were not worshipping the true God at all. It is definitely wrong to use a lie from a false religion and to insert Christianity into that lie to introduce Christ to the lost.