Font sizes should be no larger than 78, with the exception of referring to the KJV-only position, "liberals," Calvinism, or when referencing James White.

I have several messages from all over the country on our church answering machine complaining about Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe after the Obama fiasco. Not good! I have never thought about taking Baptist off our sign but I have seriously thought about taking it off the signs of other churches. :bigsmile:

Perhaps it’s time to bring back the old “Lunatic Fringe of Fundamentalism” label and hang it where it belongs.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan

If you ask me, churches bringing themselves into the 20th century is just one more example of liberalism creeping in. I mean, what good has the 20th century brought us? NOTHING! I’m sure Paul didn’t make frilly fancy tents according to all the styles of the day. No sir, he just made simple honest tents. HANDMADE, too, didn’t need all these fancy tools and contraptions. Our websites are like our tents. None of this fancy “Cold Fusion” stuff that COOLS THE FERVOR and BLENDS EVERYONE’S RELIGION into one big melting pot; If Notepad was good enough for Paul then it’s good enough for us. And taking away “Amazing Grace” when a person opens the site? Are you telling me we shouldn’t be WITNESSING to folks from the moment they come to our site? EVANGELISM isn’t a part-time side job! It’s a FULL-TIME ENDEAVOR!

[Jeffrey Dean] Unless of course you were serious.

…not. :D

[size=50] [Blue] Conference Topics[/size]
  • [size=30] [red] THE NIV EXPOSED[/size]
  • [size=30] [purple] Calvinists oppose Missions[/size]
  • [size=30] [Green] The Compromise of Sharper Iron[/size]
The large print is actually better for old guys like me!


[JohnBrian] Now can we have a link to some good preaching.
As always, mounty [URL=] delivers[/URL]. ;)
Ah, you beat me to it! :D

In any case, here are some of my favorite clips…

‘Get Outta My Church’

‘Jesus Wore Pants’

‘Pope = Antichrist’

‘I’ll Never Vote For Sarah Palin’

‘I’m a Zero-Point Calvinist’

‘Tea Time’ (this one is actually pretty cool)