By Whom Are We Indwelt?

It has been a while since we wandered into the nebulous aspects of theology. So let’s sharpen our theological swords and see what we can parse.

When it comes to the Persons of the Trinity and their relationship to the believer, is there a difference between being indwelt by the Spirit, the Son, and the Father?

When the Scriptures suggest we are indwelt by God (the Father), Jesus (the Son) and the Spirit, what does that mean?

Are we actually indwelt by all 3 Persons? And, if so, then when do these indwellings occur? And are they equal in their effect? Are figures of speech used?

Apriori we know that God is everywhere, so His presence (or indwelling) is about relationship and unique empowerment or blessing. As His temples, we beleivers are a house for the divine is some sense.

Jesus, as the Son incarnate was not the Father. In the midst of John 14:9, the Savior says:

Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.

Is something like this happening when it comes to indwelling? Does being indwelt by the Spirit, for example, also carry the idea of the other Persons of the Trinity, since they are equal in attribute? Or does each Person indwell us in an identical way?

Although your vote is appreciated, your comments might be most enlightening.

Also, when voting, please “round off” your opinion is something looks relatively close to it. You can tweak it with a comment.

Poll Results

By Whom Are We Indwelt?

Every believer is indwelt by the Son, and, because we cannot separate God, this connects us to all 3 Persons. Votes: 1
My view is one other than any of the above. Votes: 1
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit occurs at the time of salvation Votes: 12
Every believer is indwelt specifically by the Father, Son, and Spirit, in an identical way. Votes: 0
Every believer is indwelt by the Father, Son, and Spirit, but the initiation of their indwelling can come at different times. Votes: 0
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit occurs some time after salvation. Votes: 1
The Scriptures are not clear on this matter. Votes: 0
The indwelling of One or more Persons is variable and not necessarily constant. Votes: 0
We are indwelt by all 3 Persons, but the emphasis of Scripture is being indwelt by the Son. Votes: 0
We are indwelt by all 3 Persons, but the emphasis of Scripture is being indwelt by the Spirit. Votes: 3
I am at this time undecided Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


We sometimes distinguish the role so much that we end up having three gods. Do Father, Son and Spirit really do anything separately from one another, or does Scripture just highlight or play up One’s role to reveal the Trinity to us? Genesis says God (in a triune sense) created the world, but Hebrews says it was Jesus. Contradiction, or deliberate highlighting of roles to show us the Trinity?

So, does only the Spirit really indwell, while the Father and Jesus hang around, out back? Not really. The Persons don’t operate independently from each other, but the Scripture highlights their economic roles to show us the Trinity. So, all indwell believers.

The best stuff I’ve read on the Trinity and Christology:

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.