Some Recommended Books on Christology

This post comes in response to a brother in the Middle East who seems to be combating false teaching in this area. I hope that this helps. I have not included the apposite sections within the major Systematic Theologies, nor have I included the important critical studies of Dunn or Pannenberg (which are both worth reading). These books furnish a well-rounded portrait of the Jesus of the Bible and His identity as the God-Man.
Doctrinal Works
B. B. Warfield – The Person and Work of Christ
An old standard made up of essays from various publications, this volume includes historical, biblical, apologetic and devotional material by one of America’s greatest theologians. This is a must-have.
Stephen Wellum – God the Son Incarnate
Possibly the best contemporary treatment available. He surveys past controversies, the biblical materials, and important writers, before giving his systematic account in the last section. Wellum has established himself as a major evangelical theologian with this and his other works.
Millard Erickson – The Word Became Flesh
Vies with Wellum as the best contemporary treatment. Erickson is always balanced.
Mark Jones – Knowing Christ
If it is not read as a sequel to Packer’s Knowing God I think this book has a lot going for it.
Athanasius – On the Incarnation
The classic book on Christ’s pre-existence and divine nature and work. Get the John Behr translation with C.S. Lewis’s famous Forward.
Donald MacLeod – The Person of Christ
A top Scottish theologian covers all the bases.
Robert Letham – The Message of the Person of Christ
Letham is better known for his work of the Holy Spirit, but this one is both readable and informative.
G. C. Berkouwer – The Person of Christ
Berkouwer knew the Christological controversies and the contemporary scene up to his time. Lots of information. Steers clear of new formulations.
Gregory of Nazianzus – On God and Christ
The great Cappadocian father wrote Five Theological Orations which focus on the Trinity and the “consubstantiability” of the three Persons. He was one of the greatest orators of the ancient world, and these long, sometimes humorous, and deep discussions require concentration. But the effort is worth it. See also Christopher Beeley’s excellent ‘Gregory of Nazianzus on the Trinity and the Knowledge of God.’
Historical Works
Richard A. Norris – The Christological Controversy
An excellent survey of of the earliest Patristic writers before Chalcedon.
Larry Hurtado – Lord Jesus Christ
Hurtado’s magnum opus on the reception of Jesus by His earliest followers. Interacts with the old liberal line, showing it to be erroneous. Very good treatments of the NT materials (even if the chapter on Q can be skipped).
Richard Bauckham – Jesus and the God of Israel
Brilliant studies on Christology, featuring the important essay ‘God Crucified.’ I love the chapter on Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews.
Biblical Theology/Exposition
Darrell Bock & Benjamin Simpson – Jesus According to Scripture
Focusing on the Gospels, this work presents the Jesus who emerges from their pages. Deals first with the Synoptics and them with John.
J. Dwight Pentecost – The Words and Works of Jesus Christ
Still one of the best Lives of Christ out there.
Richard N. Longenecker (ed.) – Contours of Christology in the New Testament
A generally excellent group of chapters working through the NT authors and their accounts of Christ. Recommended.
Peter Lewis – The Glory of Christ
This is a very well done study of Christ’s own testimony to Himself. Written at a lay level but with enough meat for the preacher.
John Brown (of Edinburgh) – The Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord (3 Vols).
Banner of Truth published these volumes. If you can get them they are filled with solid devotional thoughts. Perhaps a little prolix at times, Brown was one of the premier commentators of the 19th century.
Herb Bateman, Gordon Johnston, Darrell Bock – Jesus the Messiah
This book works through the messianic texts in both Testaments to set forth a thorough presentation of the theme of the Christ.
Graham Cole – The God Who Became Human
This study centers on the Incarnation and its preparation in OT texts and realization in the NT. I don’t like some aspects of this book (e.g. too many quotations), and I think Systematic Theology intrudes into the process too quickly, but it does contain solid material.
Gordon D. Fee – Pauline Christology
An outstanding “exegetical-theological” work which reviews all the texts about Jesus in Paul’s Letters.
Robert Bowman & Ed Komoszewski – Putting Jesus in His Place
An easy to read but thorough work which clearly sets out the claims of the Jesus of Scripture.
Robert Bowman & Ed Komoszewski – The Incarnate Christ and His Critics
I only had a little time to peruse this large book at a conference recently. It is nicely produced and looks very capable. It is a well-rounded apologetic study of the attributes of the incarnate Christ and a refutation of the objections to Him.
H. P. Liddon – The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
An old classic set of Bampton lectures which used to be a standard text.
J. Oswald Sanders – The Incomparable Christ
A really helpful book to give to a young Christian or seeker. I was helped by this work when I became a Christian.
Craig A. Keener – The Historical Jesus of the Gospels
Keener is at his best in this book. While interacting with critical scholars he sets forth a clear and accurate portrait of Jesus as He truly is.
Dr Reluctant Articles
Reposted from Dr. Reluctant.
Paul Henebury Bio
Paul Martin Henebury is a native of Manchester, England and a graduate of London Theological Seminary and Tyndale Theological Seminary (MDiv, PhD). He has been a Church-planter, pastor and a professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics. He was also editor of the Conservative Theological Journal (later Journal of Dispensational Theology). He is now the President of Telos School of Theology.
Athanasius – On the Incarnation
The classic book on Christ’s pre-existence and divine nature and work. Get the John Behr translation with C.S. Lewis’s famous Forward.
Better yet, get the version from the Popular Patristics Series. It includes Lewis' preface and Behr's translation, and it will also allow you to read the original Greek.