Will Evangelicals Lead a Revival in Dogmatic Theology?


“A growing number of evangelical scholars are embracing systematic theology as dogmatics, recovering the catholic heritage of the Reformation while engaging constructively with the global and historical traditions of the church.” - Michael Horton


Why One Presbyterian Appreciates a Baptist Systematic Theology


Review of Stephen J. Wellum’s ‘Systematic Theology’ – “Healthy theology involves both reading Scripture and thinking about how to follow it. Therefore, Wellum refuses the false choice sometimes posed between biblical theology and systematic theology.” - TGC


Scripture Over Systems


“We will gravitate to one system or another, and this is not necessarily a terrible thing, if we are gracious with those who differ with us and acknowledge the difficulties with our own positions.”- P&D


Is Systematic Theology Helpful?


“1. Read theology to feed your love, not your pride…. 2. Read theology with an open Bible…. 3. Read theology prayerfully….4. Read theology with faith in Christ. Christ is the Word, the revealer of God” - Ligonier


Wait, You’re Not Deconstructing?


“I felt, for a time, unmoored. Like many seminary students, I had been praying for years to a God who I had pictured as being just like me, only larger….What happened during those early years of my academic study of theology was a kind of deconstruction. More properly, it was a correction.” - C.Today
