From the Archives: Why Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils

(First posted in Dec., 2011)
A recurring question in the American political experience is this: ”Should people of conscience vote for the lesser of two evils?” The question is of interest to all who care about right and wrong but carries special interest for Christians, since their aim is to do all things in obedience to Christ.
My thesis is simple. In a vote between two evils, Christians ought to back the lesser of the two.
For the purposes of this essay, I’m assuming readers already believe Christians ought to vote. My aim is to present three arguments for voting for the candidate who is least evil, whether the office is President of the United States, U.S. Senator or Village Clerk.
1. Such a vote is the lesser of two evils.
The first argument for voting for the lesser of evils is in the proposition itself: less evil. Who can be against that? Here’s the argument one statement at a time:
- It’s good to do what results in less evil.
- Voting for less-evil candidates results in less evil.
- Therefore, it’s a good thing to vote for less-evil candidates.
Let’s evaluate the argument one premise at a time.
The first premise should be an easy sell. All good people want to see less evil in themselves and in the world around them. Some may object that there really are no good people—and they’ve got a point. No one is “good” in the sense of Mark 10:18 (ESV: “No one is good except God”) or Romans 3:12 (“no one does good”). But many are good in the sense of Romans 15:14 (“you yourselves are full of goodness”), and even more are good in the sense of Proverbs 13:22 (“a good man leaves an inheritance”) and 14:14 (“a good man will be filled …”). All decent people are in favor of doing what results in less evil.
The second premise is the controversial one. What sort of voting behavior really results in less evil, especially in the long term? Three attitudes toward that question predominate. Some voters maintain that, over time, more good (less evil) comes from supporting only those candidates who are a near-perfect match to the ideal. In this view, though voting exclusively for superb candidates may have worse results in the short run, we would eventually see excellent results if everyone voted this way.
Another attitude is that there is no voting behavior that results in less evil. The world is doomed to ever increasing wickedness and there is nothing any of us can do about it. Evil will increasingly dominate until Christ personally establishes His geopolitical kingdom on earth.
Parts of that attitude resonate with me. In the end, evil will come to dominate the globe as never before, and that situation will be reversed only when Christ conquers. However, the Scriptures that reveal this end game have been in the Bible for more than two thousand years (much longer, if you include Daniel!). During that interval, human history has witnessed many periods of increased justice (and diminished evil) in various regions—sometimes for centuries.
Christians understand that human nature will remain sinful regardless, and that the redemption of the planet comes only through the reign of Jesus Christ. But it doesn’t follow that we are unable to reduce the evil in the world in one place or another for a few decades or longer.
So what kind of voting results in less evil in our land? The third attitude toward that question is that a voting strategy that results in less evil in the short run often results in less in the long run as well. Good ideas are amenable to more good ideas, and even a leader with few good principles is more open to improvement than a leader with zero good principles.
An objection is that the leader with only a few good principles must have a whole bunch of bad ones. And just as good ideas tend to lead to more good ideas, bad ideas tend to lead to more bad ideas. But this argument actually supports the third attitude: if both good and bad thinking tend to lead to more of the same, the leader who starts out with fewer erroneous beliefs is the best choice.
If less evil is better than more, and voting for the lesser of evils results in less evil, it follows that this is a wise way to vote.
2. The alternatives are imaginary.
At this point, we need to clarify what we mean by “evil” when we say “lesser of two evils.” In my experience, debaters on this point tend to equivocate, defining “evil candidate” sometimes as “garden variety sinner” and other times as “people like Stalin.” The “never vote for a lesser of evils” crowd uses a Stalinesque idea of “evil candidate” to argue against voting for a garden variety sinner they don’t like. The equivocation comes when they turn around and defend voting for the candidate they do like (also a garden variety sinner) because he is no Stalin.
Not exactly a strong argument.
So what do we mean by “evil” when we say “lesser of two evils”? As long as we’re internally consistent (that is, if we don’t equivocate), it doesn’t really matter. If we say an “evil candidate” is any candidate who is not Jesus Christ, then we really have no choice but to vote for “the lesser of evils.” On the other hand, if we say that an “evil candidate” is one who belongs in a whole different class from your average sinner—the class that includes Hitler, Stalin, and Saddam Hussein—it’s pretty unlikely that we’ll ever be choosing between two candidates who are in that class.
Either way, we’re stuck with voting for someone who is less imperfect than someone else.
“But there’s another category!” some insist. Any Christian is not an evil candidate. The thinking here is that if there are two top candidates who are unbelievers and one unelectable, obscure candidate who is a true disciple of Jesus Christ, we can vote for the third and avoid promoting the lesser of evils.
What this counterargument has going for it is that there is indeed a fundamental difference between the regenerate and the unregenerate. You’ll get no denial of that from me. It would also be hard to overstate the potential of that fundamental difference to change how a person weighs his options and governs.
However, the difference in how the believing leader weighs his choices and governs is a potential difference, not necessarily an actual one. Though the believer is fundamentally devoted to Christ, he or she does not necessarily respond to every choice with a conscious and passionate desire to know what would please our Lord. We should make every choice that way, but we all know we don’t. So what’s the real governing difference between an unbelieving candidate and a believing one? Because of the blessing of common grace—often in the form of Christian principles that influence even the thinking of some atheists—a Christian who is immature or poorly informed may govern less Christianly than an unbeliever who has been instilled with deeply Christian habits of thought and true breadth of knowledge.
Of course, having “deeply Christian habits of thought” will not save the non-Christian. Only faith in Christ, and the resulting imputed righteousness, can do that. But these habits will make him a wiser ruler than anyone who lacks them.
If you get out much, you’ll meet non-Christians who, despite their unregenerate condition, think and act much like Christians should. I don’t get out much, and even I’ve met a few. What I’ve encountered more often are professing Christians who do not evidence particularly Christian ways of evaluating the kinds of the moral and ethical questions statesmen face.
To summarize, then, while all believers are “righteous” in a sense that all unbelievers are not, this spiritual and positional difference does not necessarily correlate with governing in a truly Christian way. So when it comes to voting, we can’t class all non-believers as “evil” and all believers as “good” in any sense that relates meaningfully to ability to govern wisely and justly. The real choice we face is one of choosing among candidates who are evil in varying degrees and in different ways.
3. You can still vote your conscience.
I often see this issue framed as though there are two, and only two, choices: voting for a candidate who can win or voting your conscience. It’s an interesting disjunction. Let’s scrutinize it a bit. This argument basically says that you can either vote for a candidate who is nearly perfect or, if you vote for another guy, you are voting for all the things he lacks—you are falling to pragmatism. So a citizen (especially a Christian one) can either vote his conscience or he can vote according to practical considerations.
There’s an unstated premise in this argument: practical matters have nothing to do with conscience.
But how well does that hold up? Suppose I’m fleeing from a burning hotel and discover a damsel in distress on the way out. She’s helpless, pinned down by a heavy beam. For some reason, my many hours of typing haven’t resulted in enough muscle to free her. So what’s the right thing to do? If I stay with her, we both die. If I leave her there and run for help, someone might be able to get her out. The idealist reasons that practical results are irrelevant and conscience requires that a man of principle must not abandon a damsel in distress. But most people abandon idealism in these situations. They understand that conscience sometimes dictates that we do what is practical.
Proponents of “voting your conscience” often make the mistake of assuming that if practical considerations can ever define the conscionable choice, they must always define the conscionable choice. Worse, they often assume that if practical considerations have any role in making ethical choices, they must have the dominant or exclusive role.
But the truth is that there are at least three approaches to the relationship between conscience (principle) and practical results:
- Pragmatism: practical results are always decisive and are all that matter.
- Idealism: practical results are completely irrelevant; only principle matters.
- Principled realism: practical results are part of the principle that matters.
Two of these approaches are ways of “voting your conscience.”
If I believe that voting for candidate C (who is a close match to my principles) will result in the election of candidate A (who believes in very little that I know to be wise and good), and I vote for candidate B (who is better than A) for that reason, I am voting my conscience. I just don’t happen to be an idealist.
Whatever the ticket ends up looking like in 2012, Christians ought to vote with the goal of putting power in the hands of the lesser of evils.
Aaron Blumer 2014 Bio
Aaron Blumer, is a Michigan native and graduate of Bob Jones University and Central Baptist Theological Seminary (Plymouth, MN). He and his family live in small-town western Wisconsin, not far from where he pastored Grace Baptist Church for thirteen years.
This piece was easier to write when we weren’t looking at the possibility of the two main choices being The Donald vs. Hillary or The Donald vs. Bernie.
The logic is still sound I think, but what if you honestly can’t tell which of the two is the “lesser evil”? In a race between Trump vs. any of the top two Dems, I would probably join the idealists who back an impossible third party option or cast a protest vote.
I could not justify helping any of these three gain President-level power.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
I resonate very well with your analysis and reasoning here. I recall the utter dismay when I went to seminary class (NTI with Dr. Kent, Jr.) the morning after JFK won the election. (We had an old, small TV and a little radio, but the rigors of Grace Seminary under Drs. McClain, Hoyt, Kent, Jr., and Whitcomb, among others, took a heavy toll on spare time for world matters.) I was as sure as God makes little green apples (an old farm colloquialism) that God would not permit a Roman Catholic to become president of the US of A. Only the devil and democrats could think otherwise. Since then I have added a lot of pragmatism to my decision-making apparatus (i.e., conscience). Fourteen years of working with R. V. Clearwaters also helped quit a bit. (Ignore what the lips are saying but look where the feet are pointing.) Personally, I don’t pay much, if any, attention to all the political God-talk. I had someone tell me in 2012 that he “would never vote for a Mormon.” Well and good, but now he gripes his head off about Obama. Where evangelicals are on this and why is a vacuous question since evangelicalism is ten miles wide and one millimeter deep. Following lofty but unrealistic and uninformed principles sound very pietistic, but, as John Calvin would say, good luck with the outcome.
Rolland McCune
[Aaron Blumer]This piece was easier to write when we weren’t looking at the possibility of the two main choices being The Donald vs. Hillary or The Donald vs. Bernie.
The logic is still sound I think, but what if you honestly can’t tell which of the two is the “lesser evil”? In a race between Trump vs. any of the top two Dems, I would probably join the idealists who back an impossible third party option or cast a protest vote.
I could not justify helping any of these three gain President-level power.
It strikes me that if you don’t know who is the greater evil, you ipso facto have no chance of selecting a lesser evil, no? You might say you’d vote for the one who doesn’t clearly belong in jail, but I’m starting to wonder about Drumpf and Sanders along those lines. How did Drumpf get construction rates in NYC down to near market rate in a city corrupted by its government, the Mob, unions, and the like? And what did Sanders promise the USSR to get his visa for his honeymoon?
At the very least, I fault Drumpf for not passing on more evidence of corruption to people like Rudy Giuliani, and Sanders for not figuring out exactly how messed up the USSR really was. It took me about ten minutes after passing through Checkpoint Charlie to figure out all I’d learned about the disasters of Communism was an understatement.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
In my view one has binary choices:
- Choice # 1: Vote or not
- Choice # 2: Republican or Democrat :
- B/c of our 2 party system)
- B/c of fact that President will work with his or her own party primarily
I have always held my nose and voted for the Republican candidate, because the GOP candidate was always less liberal than the Democrat candidate. The GOP candidate was always “not as bad” in my view. I think back to the Iowa Straw Poll in 1999. There were ten candidates. If I had ordered them from 1 to 10 (with 1 being my favorite candidate and 10 being my least favorite), GWB was my #10. In other words, I would have preferred any of the other nine over George. And yet I ended up voting for Bush twice (‘00 and ‘04), and then McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. I didn’t want any of those guys. On a scale of liberal to conservative (with Hillary being at 1 and Reagan being at 10) I would put Bush, Romney, and McCain around 6). But this time I am presented with the hypothetical choice of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. And this is where my new philosophy comes into play:
* Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
In other words, I refuse to vote for Donald Trump because I believe him to be a godless, vain, and dishonest man who is so self-centered that he might actually be worse than Hillary for our country.
I watched these videos some time ago, and I agree 100%. When presented with a choice between Hitler and Stalin, your only good choice is not to vote. So when I believe that neither of the D or R candidates would be a good President, I will be voting for someone other than those two.
The Bible teaches us to separate from all evil, not just the lesser of two evils.
In the long run, voting for the lesser of two evils usually results in options that are both more evil then before. So the end result is more evil, not less evil.
As a group, the Church loses its impact when it is seen to compromise and vote for evil candidates. Some Christians then take that as a license to compromise similarly in other areas.
The way to reduce evil is to make disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Good News is that God saves people in all times and in all countries, good and evil.
As a group, the Church loses its impact when it is seen to compromise and vote for evil candidates. Some Christians then take that as a license to compromise similarly in other areas.
Who, in any election in any location at any time in history, has been on the ballot as a perfect person?
My vote has normally been for the lesser of two evils. But with Trump its a bridge too far. Besides, Hillary would defeat Trump in a huge blowout. So I would never waste the dignity of my vote with such a personage as Trump. Besides, if you follow this closely, you know that Trump needs over 58% of the remaining delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot. He has been slipping, both in national polling and in losing the last several contests. Futhermore, Cruz is very cleverly working behind the scenes in states who are choosing their delegates to get his people to the convention. Yes, many of them will be required by the rules to vote for Trump on the first ballot, but if he falls short of 1,237 delegates on the first ballot, they will leave him for Cruz on the second ballot. At this point there is a strong probability that Trump fails on the first ballot.
Who, in any election in any location at any time in history, has been on the ballot as a perfect person?
Larry, there’s a difference between a “good” person and a “perfect” person. We aren’t talking about total depravity here, in which you would probably agree with me that there is not one person on earth right now who is not “evil” in the sense that they are a sinner by nature. We’re talking about the difference between voting for someone who tries to do what is morally correct and wise, and someone who is evil in the sense that their morals are so far removed from what God says is right that we would refer to them as “evil.”
Voting for someone like Donald Trump, who is an immoral, proud, selfish unbeliever who has made bad decision after bad decision in his life, is not something I personally believe any Christian should do. Especially when there is an alternative who is a born-again Christian with conservative values who has stood on principle against the wretched hive of scum and villany (i.e. Washington DC).
Definitions are so important…
The Bible teaches us to separate from all evil, not just the lesser of two evils.
Does the Bible teach anywhere that we are not to support a leader who is a sinner? What needs clarification here is what “separate from all evil” means. (1 Cor. 5:9-10 is germain.)
In the long run, voting for the lesser of two evils usually results in options that are both more evil then before. So the end result is more evil, not less evil.
I have not observed this to be the case… and again there is a definition problem. Isn’t a leader who produces more evil than the alternative pretty much by definition, not the lesser evil? So I’m left uncertain what the statement means.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
See argument 1 in the article. A vote for the lesser of evils is a vote for less evil. The word “less” matters.
But as several have pointed out, it can be really difficult to figure out who the lesser evil actually is. Often, it’s not that hard. But even if we’re looking at Trump vs. Hillary in the fall, we’re not looking at Hitler vs. Stalin. As deeply confused and unprincipled as the two of them are, neither of them show any interest in exterminating millions of people because they think they are either racially inferior and/or a threat to their power.
So, no… we are not looking at that kind of choice at all, even in the worst case scenario.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
As deeply confused and unprincipled as the two of them are, neither of them show any interest in exterminating millions of people because they think they are either racially inferior and/or a threat to their power.
I agree that neither wants to kill people because of racism or power struggles, but they are both pro-choice, and 57 million babies have been killed since 1973.
Cruz won the remaining delegates in CO last night, pushing the magic percentage of remaining delegates that Trump needs to clinch the nomination on the first ballot up over 59%.
It is looking like Trump will end up at least 100 delegates short of a first ballot win, meaning most bound delegates are free to vote for whomever they wish on the second ballot. In that scenario, it is very unlikely Trump is the nominee, so this whole Hillary vs Trump question is irrelevant.
He is just as rotten as Trump, but worse in that he hides behind the evangelical label.
there’s a difference between a “good” person and a “perfect” person.
The point is that all voting is always voting for the lesser of two evils.
[Barry L.]He is just as rotten as Trump, but worse in that he hides behind the evangelical label.
I’ve heard his testimony and I believe him to be a brother in Christ. That being said, I’m going to need some objective proof for your assertion that he is “as rotten as Trump”, a serial adulterer, liar, and false-accuser who has no morals other than his own self-interest. Either that or retract your statement in keeping with James 4:11-12 “Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?