2008 FBFI Resolutions 3, 4, and 5
Note: The following resolutions were passed at the recent Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International National Conference, held June 10-12.
Vigilance for Religious Liberty:
Resolution Concerning Muslim Favoritism
Whereas Baptists have tenaciously embraced the principle of separation of church and state;
the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International
- Calls upon all federal and state agencies to promote religious freedom in America by not restricting the free exercise of religious beliefs and practices;
- Calls upon the government to cease providing favored status to the Muslim community and to exercise impartiality to all religious groups;
- Calls upon the Christian community to awaken to the aggressive advancement of the Muslim faith in America and to proclaim clearly the teachings of God’s Word and expose the errors of the Muslim faith, and to resist politically the religious partiality extended by governmental agencies to the Muslim community.
Balanced Biblical Discernment:
Resolution on Being Salt and Light
- The United States is in an election year;
- Believers and specifically biblical fundamentalists not only have the right to vote, but a stewardship entrusted to them because of that right;
- Evangelical leaders are sending mixed signals concerning the role Christians should have in the political process;
- Prominent leaders are calling on Christians to withhold their vote under certain circumstances;
The FBFI urges biblical fundamentalists to be good stewards of the votes entrusted to them by God through our Constitution and support candidates who will;
- Honor scripture concerning moral issues. Among these are the sanctity of life, the definition of marriage as between a man and woman, and the importance of the family;
- Honor the Baptist principle of religious liberty, protecting the freedom to worship, to preach the Word of God without censure, and to fulfill the Great Commission as commanded by scripture;
- Appoint and approve judges who uphold these values.
Uncompromising Fellowship:
Resolution on the Importance of Fellowship
Whereas we believe:
That this Fellowship of individuals is vital for the encouragement of godly Christians worldwide;
That one of our goals is to cultivate an atmosphere of biblical fellowship in order to build one another up in the faith, even though we may differ in some of our convictions;
That Scripture imposes upon us a theological imperative to promote biblical unity as well as biblical separation;
We resolve:
To promote fellowship among uncompromising believers;
To minister to all like-minded believers, whether or not they are members of the FBFI;
To strengthen the hands and hearts of God’s faithful servants, while holding a thoroughly biblical position with a thoroughly biblical attitude, free from condescension and pride;
To encourage pastors with more resources to attend fellowships for the encouragement of others, and to also seek out and help others to participate in our local, state, regional, national, and international fellowships.