Some Recommended Books on Christology

By Paul Henebury

This post comes in response to a brother in the Middle East who seems to be combating false teaching in this area. I hope that this helps. I have not included the apposite sections within the major Systematic Theologies, nor have I included the important critical studies of Dunn or Pannenberg (which are both worth reading). These books furnish a well-rounded portrait of the Jesus of the Bible and His identity as the God-Man.

Doctrinal Works

B. B. Warfield – The Person and Work of Christ

An old standard made up of essays from various publications, this volume…

The Example of Christ’s Humility (Part 2)

By Guest

By Anthony Wood. Read Part 1.

His Humility Will Protect Us

For those of us who serve in a leadership capacity, the world demands that we show strength. Who among us, in the flesh, has not been lured by more power? A larger church building? An organizational structure without checks and balances?

Deeper still, which among us has not been tempted to think that “he” is the reason for a church’s effectiveness? Business success? Money saved? Children well raised? How quickly our…

On the Supernatural: Listening to Our Betters

By Aaron Blumer

Various studies over the past decade or so have found that increasing numbers of people think of themselves as “spiritual but not religious.”

The trend makes sense. We are made with eternity in our hearts (Ecc 3:11). The view that everything is just chemistry and physics can’t possibly satisfy. We all know at some level that there is more to reality, and we’re drawn to that something more. Because humans are at odds with God by nature (Eph 2:3), we’re drawn to something more, but without God. We use to call it “…