What Is the Goal of Theological Triage?

By Dan Moore

May I confess that theological triage, as commonly presented, does not work for me?

Some twenty years ago, Albert Mohler (2004) offered sage advice that Christians should discern between (1) those doctrines which are the “most central and essential to the Christian faith,” whose denial marks one as not being a Christian; (2) those doctrines which are recognized as preventing fellowship within a church or association; and (3) those variations in doctrinal belief which can be accommodated within a church or association. There is merit to this form of ranking, as it is centered on…

8 Proofs that the Bible Is One Story

By M.R. Conrad

Does the Bible sometimes seem random to you? What does Hezekiah have to do with Philemon? How is Enoch connected to Ruth? What do battles in ancient Mesopotamia have to do with the church? Is the Bible really all one story?

Here are eight proofs that the Bible is one story.

The Bible has One main character. From Genesis to Revelation, God is the protagonist. Genesis 1:1 declares, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Revelation 21 proclaims that “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” Even in the middle, Daniel is not the main character of…

Making Church History Relevant for Pastors & Students (Part 2)

By kenrathbun

Read Part 1.

Example: Transubstantiation

The Fourth Lateran Council of the Catholic Church in 1215 mentioned the term “transubstantiation” to describe what happened in the Mass. Transubstantiation taught that the bread and wine actually and literally became the body and blood of Christ. But how could this be, seeing how everyone still tasted bread when they partook? The doctrine had been building steadily for some three centuries prior, but how could the…