The Ministry of Writing: A Historical Example and a Word of Encouragement

Richard Baxter was one of the most voluminous writers in English history. He authored between 141-200 books during his lifetime. As one of his biographers notes, “The influence of is books is incalculable: from the early 1650’s they enjoyed greater sales than those of any other English writer.”1


Why I Love to Write

I remember when I first realized that I loved to write.

I was in high school, and I had a newfound fascination with the Bible—especially Biblical prophecy—and it dawned on me that I had, somehow, unexpectedly, developed a love for writing.

Growing up with a passion for sports, my first desire was to be a sports broadcaster—that is, if I did not make it as a professional athlete. But, come to think of it, even back then, every once in a while I would dream of writing a sports column.


AI, ChatGPT and Ministry


“Artificial Intelligence content creators such as ChatGPT will certainly revolutionize almost every kind of work that relies on writing of some sort…. But how could AI be used lawfully and helpfully in ministry?” - P&D


Three New Tools That Make a Huge Difference


“I have pretty much stuck with those same tools and with that same system, save for a few minor tweaks here and there… In the past year, though, I have discovered a few new tools that have swiftly made a big difference to my life.” - Challies


The “Oppressed” versus Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


“…whenever I’m discouraged in my work, I pick up one of his books again and his life inspires me to continue. They’re not easy reads, but what he went through to bring them to us was remarkable, and it will change your perspective on ‘oppression’ forever.” - Phil Cooke


Why I Write This Column

Somewhere, along life’s way, I was bitten by the bug for writing.

My passion is not so much for writing itself—though I realize that there are people like that. But for me is has more to do with a desire to express my opinion and provide meaningful and useful—Biblically based—content.

It is hard to say exactly when the bug first bit. I can remember making scrapbooks of sports stories clipped out of the newspaper back in my preschool days. Then I remember when I was old enough to read sports columns—and dream of writing my own one day.
