That Was Then, This Is Now: Aimee Byrd Preaches Her First Sunday Morning Sermon


“One can’t help but note that Michael Bird, who co-hosts a podcast with Aimee Byrd, seems to have embarked on a similar trajectory around the same time. In 2012, Bird wrote a book wherein he affirmed male headship as ‘normative’ and ‘indisputable.’ Today, he disputes male headship and says he has changed his mind.” - CBMW


Biblical Roles of Men & Women in the Church, Part 1

Todd Kinde

A biblical theology of manhood and womanhood within the church can be approached in a couple of ways. One way is to determine from Scripture what a man or a woman can or cannot do in the life and ministry of the local church. A second way is to discern what man and woman are to be within the local church. Who one is determines what one does, while what one does defines who one is. With this premise in mind, this article will begin by gleaning the Scripture for truths regarding our being, then truths regarding our doing.


Panel examines women's role in Southern Baptist Convention


Danny Akin: “There is an essential equality between men and women,” he said, “and yet within that framework God has established distinctive roles and assignments for men and for women, and we rejoice in that good gift of God.” - BPNews


1 Corinthians 14:34: Did God Really Say...?


“You can understand how shocking it is to hear ministers in Evangelical and Calvinistic denominations now suggesting that a combined reading of 1 Corinthians 11 and 1 Corinthians 14:34 teaches us that ‘Women do not have to be silent in the congregations’ except during a time of ‘judging of the prophecies.’” - Ref21


Divine Order in a Chaotic Age: On Women Preaching


“In the beginning, Genesis teaches us, God not only made matter, he made order. In creating the cosmos ex nihilo, he ordered it–that is, he gave form and structure and coherence and beauty and symmetry to it.” - Owen Strachen
