The FAQs: Southern Baptists Debate Designation of Women in Ministry
“The debate concerns a proposed amendment to the SBC constitution referred to as the ‘Law amendment’ (named after Michael Law, who proposed the amendment)” -TGC
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“The debate concerns a proposed amendment to the SBC constitution referred to as the ‘Law amendment’ (named after Michael Law, who proposed the amendment)” -TGC
“Garrick… filed a lawsuit claiming sex discrimination and other Title VII civil rights violations. She accused the Christian school of mistreating her on the basis of gender, alleging personal harassment and opposition over her egalitarian views on gender that women can be pastors.” - CPost
“the Law Amendment does not make removal automatic. Someone would still have to refer such a church to the Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee and the EC would still have to vote whether or not to recommend removal, and upon appeal so would the messengers.” - BPNews
Reasons included appointing women as pastors and failure to cooperate with the Credentials Committee in doctrinal and sexual abuse inquiries. - BPNews
“once the SBC makes this negative requirement official …where could the EC go except to recommend en masse to the convention in session that all these churches … be expelled?” - SBC Voices
“The change was approved by a majority of delegates at the Alliance’s general council in June, after several years of discussion.” - CToday
“EC Vice President for Communications Jonathan Howe, per EC bylaws, was announced by EC Chairman Philip Robertson as the new interim president and CEO.” - BPNews
“ ‘What worries me is that we make decisions without thinking about the consequences for ethnic churches…. There are many ethnic churches that, for translation reasons, use the title of pastor for a person. But it’s a matter of translation. It’s not that the person is ordained.’” - BPNews
“A former Moody Bible Institute instructor claims under Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act that the school uses a doctrine that only men can be pastors as a pretense to discriminate against women.” - BPNews
“While…I don’t believe women should be the pastors or regular teachers of men in the church, I do believe that in the pushback against that idea of women pastors, often the case gets overstated, and there is an anti-women feel to it, which disturbs me.” - Randy Alcorn