A “Must-Read” Booklist For Those Who Want To Study Theology (Part 1)

I received this question recently:

Thank you for all the material you put out. I have benefitted quite a bit. Do you have a list of books/reading that you would recommend as “must read” for someone wanting to grow theologically? I am a part-time worship pastor and full-time elementary music teacher. Previous experience as lay/part-time church planter, youth pastor, and young adult pastor. No seminary, relatively studied, conservative theologically.


The State of Theology


“Like past surveys, the 2020 State of Theology survey reveals some encouraging results, but it also reveals confusion and a lack of theological knowledge among evangelicals. In this article, we will take a look at each of the thirty-one questions on the survey in an attempt to help readers understand the orthodox Christian view on these issues as well as the biblical grounds for it.” - Ligonier


The Davenant Institute: The Story of the Irenic Bridge


Podcast: “Brad and Colin believe that God’s simplicity, aseity, eternality, immutability, and impassibility are concepts that should be shared with the laity. … Our guests explain the real value and purpose of education, and how they coincide with the philosophy of teaching and programs offered by Davenant Institute.” - Ref21


The Dog Ate My Doctrine: Leaving No Place in Our Pews for Theological Laziness


“The latest research reveals several doctrines evangelicals get wrong including the alarming fact that nearly two-thirds of respondents (65%) say Jesus is the first and greatest being created by God….some churchgoers are either misinformed or lazy when it comes to their theology—being easily swayed from sound doctrine by doctrine that only sounds correct.” - F&T
