What Does Worldly Look Like? Part 2

What Is Written

The meaning of “worldly” is a matter of some controversy. This is true even among people strongly committed to Christian living as defined in Scripture. Most agree that “worldly” means being like the world and that being like the world isn’t good. But from there, confusion multiplies.


Praying in Jesus' Name

NOTE: This article appears in the July/August 2006 issue of Frontline Magazine. It appears here with permission of the publisher.

By David Pennington


A Sovereign Mandate

NOTE: This article appears in the July/August 2006 issue of Frontline Magazine. It appears here with permission of the publisher.

By Tavis J. Long


Does Ecclesiastes Teach Epicureanism?

Does Ecclesiastes teach Epicureanism? In a word, no. Despite certain passages in Ecclesiastes that “sound” Epicurean, if we take the message of Solomon as a whole and the message of Epicurus as a whole, we discover that the two views of life under the sun are quite at odds with one another. The philosopher known for “vanity of vanities,” in the final analysis, is life-affirming, and the philosopher known for “eat, drink, and be merry” actually sucks the joy out of life.
