Together for the Gospel

Church Planting: The Missing Ingredient in Platt's Address to T4G


“Platt gave a talk yesterday at the T4G conference that was an excellent challenge for all Christians to be more committed to pursuing disciples of Christ among all nations…. I believe something was missing from his message, and that missing element is vital to understand the work of missions.” - Ben Edwards


Podcast: T4G One Last Time


“Together for the Gospel (T4G) directors have announced that they will be meeting for the final time in 2022, triggering a wide-ranging discussion on parachurch organizations. Todd waxes nostalgic as he recalls the many years he attended T4G and how those conferences influenced his life and ministry.” - Ref21


2022 to be final T4G conference, founders say


“Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and Ligon Duncan, chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, shared the news in a video posted to” - BPNews


A Response to Scot McKnight and Matthew Bates


“Most of my remarks here will be directed toward Scot McKnight’s article, since it makes a more substantive argument, though I’ll mention Matthew Bates’s as well here and there. There are three main areas I’d like to address. First, has my view of the gospel shifted from ‘soterian’ to ‘a King Jesus Gospel?’” - Greg Gilbert


Gregg Gilbert on what is and is not "The Gospel"


“Many of us would be helped in our preaching of the gospel by not just preaching the simple (though true) propositions of substitutionary atonement and justification by faith alone, but by re-embracing the epic of the Bible, placing those things in their proper place in the grand storyline. … But …” - 9 Marks
