Sufficiency: Everything We Need for Godliness


“But note what the verse doesn’t say: that believers will get step-by-step instructions for every decision in life, only that they will be ‘equipped.’ That’s what we mean when we say that while sufficiency is ‘comprehensive,’ applicable to every area of life, it is not ‘exhaustive.’” - Seminary Viewpoints


Mental Health Problem or Sin Problem? Wait—Can’t It Be Both?

Problems in our behavior can be both mental health problems and “sin problems.” Part of the confusion on the topic of mental health among conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists is the assumption that a life problem has to be one or the other.

Consider a physical health analogy: Suppose I lose a leg in an accident. Because it’s a lot harder to walk now, I lay on the couch excessively, experience a lot of unhealthy weight gain, and neglect important duties.


The Sufficiency of Scripture and Transcendental Knowledge


“We all know generally how language ‘works,’ and for this reason communication is possible. In so arguing, I admit that my hermeneutical cues do not come immediately from the Bible itself, and this, my critic suggested, constituted a ‘direct assault on the sufficiency of Scripture.’” - Mark Snoeberger


Why Churches Go Woke: They Deny the Sufficiency of Scripture


“However, it is increasingly rare to find in the aforementioned issues of race-relations, LGTBQ+ narratives of identity, gender roles, etc., that the various systems of thought in place are under the domain of darkness. What I mean by that is the simple truth the apostle John expresses so clearly when he speaks to a present love of this world being incompatible with genuine faith (1 Jn.


What Is the Sufficiency of Scripture?


“The Word of God gives us everything God wants us to know. We call this the sufficiency of Scripture. All the words that God wants you to have when it comes to salvation, and trusting Him, and obeying Him are found in the Bible.” - P&D


The Sufficiency of Scripture and Resolution 9


“That precious doctrine which is being propelled to the front line of battle is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. But I do not believe that phrase or the doctrine is being properly represented.” - SBC Voices


The Parameters of Meaning – Rule 10

Read the series.

Parameters of Meaning – Rule 10: Never interpret the Bible via assumptions based on extra-biblical data (e.g. “science”, philosophy, history). These can help but they should never preempt Scripture.

This “parameter” is of course just a reiteration of the principle of the Sufficiency of Scripture, although the emphasis is upon the whole of Scripture’s content, not just that pertaining to the doctrines of our salvation.


“Speed Limit”: How the Sufficiency of Scripture Should Make Us Patient


“Unbelievers see things more clearly than we think. They sniff out our attempts to market Jesus. They see through our sales pitches. They’re far more serious about their worldview than we give them credit for. And I think our ignorance of this fact offends them even more than the content of our worldview.” - 9 Marks
