Student Loans and the Sin of Usury
“Christian theology, however, can cut through partisan debates on loan debt to the underlying moral issues through its teaching on the sin of usury.” - Acton
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Christian theology, however, can cut through partisan debates on loan debt to the underlying moral issues through its teaching on the sin of usury.” - Acton
“Applying a biblical lens to this issue provides an even deeper perspective that does not fit neatly in current political boxes. Consider the following.” - IFWE
“Beyond… the specifics of Warren’s proposal, I am more concerned about the message that it sends to Americans about the nature of debt and the promises freely made and the obligations freely assumed whenever anyone takes out a loan, whether for education, starting a business, or buying a house.” - Acton
“The average borrower in the class of 2015 walked the stage $35,000 in the hole. Which makes me wonder, How many current (and incoming) students are making decisions today that will put them in even deeper debt? What is clear is that thousands upon thousands of students need help assessing the largest investment they’ve ever made.”
“Consider the following statistics: More than half of Americans under the age of 25 who have a bachelor’s degree are either unemployed or underemployed.”