Loving the Truth and Speaking in Love


“…the danger of swinging from one error to another is not a new phenomenon. It is as old as the fall. Though it comes in new sociological and philosophical packages, the human heart has always revolted against embracing, loving, propagating and defending the truth about God.” - Nick Batzig


Theology: The Missing Piece in Discipleship


“But if our understanding of the Great Commission is primarily a call to evangelism, we’ve forgotten a key piece: theology. Jesus’s final command isn’t a call to make converts but a call to make disciples.” - TGC


He’s Not an It: Understanding the Person of the Holy Spirit


“If you’ve seen some Christian media programs, you might be tempted to think that the Spirit is some kind of a bizarre force that knocks people down and causes them lose control of their minds or bodies.” - P&D


How Our Prayers Reveal Our Theology


“Christ didn’t tell these two stories [Luke 11:5-8, 18:2] to imply that we need to approach God with the same request repeatedly before he complies.” - Word by Word


Secondary Beliefs Matter

“Doctrines” is an old word for “teachings” or “instructions.” We tend to use the word “doctrine” when we list our beliefs, usually derived from someone’s attempt to summarize important teachings from Scripture.

We tend to distinguish between the “essential” (fundamental) doctrines of the evangelical faith and what we call “secondary” matters. I have heard many Christians dismiss important secondary doctrines as trivial because they are not among the fundamentals.


Why Every Pastor Should Be A Serious Theologian


“To love God fully, we must first hear from him clearly—not from culture or the latest religious trends or our feelings, but from him—precisely how it is that he wishes to be loved….. Similarly, we limit our knowledge of God, when we limit our pursuit of theology and sound doctrine, we likewise limit our ability to love him rightly.” - Sauls
