Does the Bible Teach Socialism?


Excerpt from Patricia Engler’s new book, Modern Marxism: A Guide for Christians in a Woke New World - AiG


Why a Free Market Is Best for Human Flourishing


“a billion people have escaped extreme poverty since 1990, owing to the embrace of free markets. It’s no coincidence that this dramatic decline in poverty occurred as the Soviet Union’s Marxist-Leninist experiment imploded.” - TIFWE


Why Does Socialism Fail?


“Socialism requires not only that we overcome the self-interest problem, the incentive problem, and the knowledge problem, but we’re going to give these social planners all this power and say ‘…we’re going to be benevolent.’ This never happens.” - IFWE


“the early church was not socialist.”


“There are still arrangements like this. They’re called monasteries. Before exploring how monasteries show us how ‘socialism’ can work, let me acknowledge that I’m hesitant to present monasticism as ‘socialism.’ The voluntary profession of monasticism has nothing to do with the state seizing the means of production or the mass terror that inevitably follows in its wake.” - Acton


Half of Gen Z supports Marxism/socialism. Here’s why.


“How can young Americans distrust the government to take care of their interests and endorse socialism, which entrusts the government with the power to redistribute wealth, direct all economic activity, and control their access to such necessities as healthcare?


Why Not Socialism?


“…millions of well-meaning people think it’s a virtual synonym for compassion. But socialists themselves are constantly retreating from their own handiwork. It’s socialism until it doesn’t work, then it was never socialism in the first place.” - IFWE


“How can half of Americans between 18 and 29 favor socialism over capitalism? Because they do not know the first thing about capitalism”


“Many young Americans sympathetic to socialism mistakenly believe that capitalism is a relatively modern concept, first seriously examined in Karl Marx’s Das Kapital, published in 1867. However… private property—an essential ingredient of capitalism—has been an integral part of Western civilization since ancient Athens, which had ‘a highly developed system of private property.’” - Law & Liberty


Pope Francis' advocacy for universal basic income


“The pontiff said he hopes a UBI will pave the way for the full transformation of society. He called for a ‘humanist and ecological conversion that puts an end to the idolatry of money and places human life and dignity at the center.’” - Acton
