Evangelical Sociology vs Mainline Sociology


“The democratized forms of Christian belief profiled by Hatch existed on the frontiers of American society. Their adherents were outsiders, far from the elite bastions of the northeast. They tended to be highly individualistic, innovative, unconcerned with the past, and pragmatic in their overall approach to the Christian life.” - Mere Orthodoxy


On bioethicists and world domination


“Bioethics has always been about granting ‘experts’ in the field tremendous influence over public policy. And now, one of the most prominent practitioners in the field… has urged that bioethicists expand their ‘expert’ advocacy to issues of ‘global’ importance.” - Center for Human Exceptionalism


Is Social Science ‘Science’?


“Jason Blakely is professor of political science at Pepperdine University and has written a book, We Built Reality: How Social Science Infiltrated Culture, Politics, and Power, that is likely to perturb some, gratify others, but interest almost everyone.” - Acton


Is Biblical Counseling Anti-Science?


“Terms of derision are often used to dismiss others or the beliefs they espouse. Their use is, at its root, intellectual laziness. Rather than building a reasoned case for disagreement (or seeking a clearer understanding of the opposing idea), an epithet is launched to ‘settle’ the disagreement.” - GARBC


Veith on worldview and disbanding the police


“But these proposals come out of a completely different worldview. Are human beings moral agents responsible for their actions, so that committing a crime is a moral offense that society needs to be protected from? Or are human beings not responsible at all for what they do, so that those who commit crimes are themselves victims of the society?” - Gene Veith


Do animals have "culture"?


“Whenever the word “culture” is used to describe animal behavior, it is always defined down to mean ‘socially transmitted behaviors,’ such as a group of chimpanzees using a stick to dig up termites or Japanese macaques washing sweet potatoes before eating them.” - Christian Post
