Social Media Deplatforming and the Law


Deplatforming: “Use of the word has expanded to include banning, limiting, or demonetizing an individual or organization’s social media access based on the content or ideology of their message.” - Maranatha Baptist Univ

Hat tip: P&D


REPORT Act Becomes Law


“The bipartisan ‘Revising Existing Procedures on Reporting via Technology’ (REPORT) Act amends federal laws concerning the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, including expanding the kinds of content electronic communication and cloud computing companies must report.” - Daily Citizen


Bridging Your Real-Life and Virtual Identity


“Jesus reminds you that you can only be one person. You can’t hide behind manicured pictures, or a new product, or a more edgy tone…. ask God to help you cultivate digital integrity. How do you do that?” - Ref21


Christ’s Victory Over Social Media


“The first time I shared my testimony, my campus ministry leader said, ‘I love that we see God’s grace through TikTok.’ I was shocked.” - TGC


The Internet After Twitter


“It turns out that, contrary to what years upon years of social media conditions us to think, you actually don’t have to post things every time the thought occurs to you to post things. You can just… not.” - Mere Orthodoxy
