Writing Contest News Flash

contest.JPGSharperIron’s writing context opportunity is being expanded.

Due to the extreme business of this time of year for students and their families, and also due to the demands of the transition to SharperIron 3.0, we’re extending the contest deadline by thirty days to June 20.


Anyone Interested in a Free Book?

The LargentsSome readers may not be aware that we have book review opportunities at SharperIron, complete with free review copies of the books. You may peruse the current book list here.

Not long ago, we also threatened and cajoled a pastor in Omaha into taking on the role of Book Reviews Editor. His name is Ken Largent, and, being a lover of books, he didn’t really take that much convincing.


Announcing . . . SharperIron 3.0!

(And yes, we need money)

SI 3.0The great British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli is credited with saying, “The good is the enemy of the best.” Sage advice. Scripture also calls us to pursue excellence, not settling for one “talent” but striving to double whatever the Lord has entrusted to us (Matt. 25: 20-21). As adopted sons and daughters of the One whose “way is perfect” (Ps.


SharperIron Writing Contest

contest.JPGSharperIron is always looking for good writers, and we’re especially interested right now in good new writers. Accordingly, we’re launching our first, hopefully semiannual (twice-a-year), writing contest. Here’s how it works.

Participants write articles from a conservative, biblical, fundamental point of view and send them to us via submissions@sharperiron.org.


Refiners' Club Meeting

refinerscolorlogo.JPGSI is hosting its second Refiners’ Club meeting this Thursday. The format will be a private forum discussion beginning Thursday morning and continuing for several days. If you’re a Refiners’ Club member, you’ll be getting details on how to log in for the meeting, etc. via email.


Three Cheers for the Volunteers

blumer_team.jpgI hope I’m not an ungrateful person. But I do know I often fail to say thanks to folks who have it coming from me. I believe “in everything give thanks” refers to thanking God, but surely a general spirit of thankfulness is in the penumbra. In any case, other passages call us to give folks their due, “honor to whom honor.”

Recent events have given me the nudge I needed to do that.


Help Wanted: Book Reviews Editor

139391_a_boy_a_girl_and_a_book.jpgHave a keen interest in books? If you also have good people skills (for working with publishers and recruiting reviewers) and time to coordinate our book review efforts at SI, please contact Aaron about your interest, and we’ll talk.


Help Wanted: Book Reviews Editor

BookJason Button has served SI as Book Reviews Editor since February of ‘07 (if not earlier), but is now stepping down from that role. Recent changes—including relocating and getting a new job—have made new demands on his resources.
