Which Model Best Serves Religious Freedom for All?


“There are three major models on offer in today’s world, the first two being the dominant models in most countries at the present moment….The sacred public square….The naked public square [secularism]….The civic public square” - Os Guinness


Supreme Court: Peace Cross Gets to Stay, But Not Because It’s ‘Secular’


“’The fact that the cross is undoubtedly a Christian symbol should not blind one to everything else that the Bladensburg Cross has come to represent: a symbolic resting place for ancestors who never returned home, a place for the community to gather and honor all veterans and their sacrifices for this Nation, and a historical landmark,’ wrote Justice Samuel Alito, in the majority opinion.” -


Is Religious Decline Inevitable in the United States?


“[S]ecularization theory … posits that as societies become more economically prosperous and obtain higher levels of education, the inevitable result is a movement away from organized religion and toward secularization.” - CToday


It’s Norman Vincent Peale’s America


“When Oprah Winfrey touts the message of the bestselling book and video series ‘The Secret’ — with its core message, ‘thoughts become things’ — she is echoing Peale. When Donald Trump denies facts and prefers bluster, he is echoing the man who called Trump ‘his greatest student of all time.’” - RNS
