Southern Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention
Historic: Fred Luter elected SBC president
“He is a man of integrity with a loving family and an unblemished, untarnished reputation in this community where he has lived all his life.”
Southern Baptists Set to Make History at Annual Meeting Tuesday
“Even just a day before the Southern Baptist Convention’s meeting in New Orleans, La., the Rev. Fred Luter Jr. remained the only candidate for the office of the denomination’s president.”
Most SBC Pastors Reluctant to Use "Great Commission Baptists" Descriptor
“LifeWay Research released on Friday the results of a random survey of more than 1,000 SBC pastors conducted in April and May 2012, showing that 54 percent say they will not use the non-legal moniker, although more than 35 percent have not discussed it.”
Calvinism debate in the SBC continues as Al Mohler weighs in
Southern Baptists and Salvation: It’s Time to Talk “We can handle this current discussion, and we should actually be grateful for it.”See also: Roger Olson is Correct; “Traditional” Southern Baptists are NOT Arminians
Thoughts about “A Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation.”
A classical Arminian would never deny that Adam’s sin resulted in the incapacitation of any person’s free will. Classical Arminianism (as I have demonstrated in Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities) strongly affirms the bondage of the will to sin before and apart from prevenient grace’s liberating work.Now, perhaps this is the point of the statement’s mention of “the Holy Spirit’s drawing through the Gospel.” But that, too, can be interpreted in a semi-Pelagian way.
Fred Luter Jr, SBC’s first African-American first vice president, talks about race
Black Baptist says church shouldn’t be defined by race“This convention, unfortunately, has a past that we’re trying to move forward from, and that’s how I look at it”