Southern Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention

Southern Baptists pledged to launch an online database of abusers. Lack of funding and liability concerns have hindered progress.


“To date, no names appear on the Ministry Check website designed to track abusive pastors, despite a mandate from Southern Baptists to create the database. The committee has also found no permanent home or funding for abuse reforms, meaning that two of the task force’s chief tasks remain unfinished.” - Christianity Today


A perspective on the proposed SBC amendment regarding women in pastoral ministry


“If the issue is the title, then churches with women called ‘pastors’ can come into compliance by simply changing their title… If the issue is function, then the SBC Credentials Committee must investigate job descriptions, church governing documents, work records and personnel policies of local churches to determine if a woman is functioning as a pastor.” -


Former Southwestern Seminary professor Matt Queen indicted


“A former Southern Baptist seminary professor and interim provost has been indicted on a charge of obstructing justice in a sexual misconduct case, the Department of Justice announced Tuesday (May 21).” - RNS



SBC’s Cooperation Group releases recommendations


“Four recommendations released today are designed to ‘prioritize and emphasize the authority of messengers in defining the boundaries of our cooperation while clarifying and refining our structure,’ said a statement from the SBC’s Cooperation Group.” - Baptist Press
