“In 2021, more than 50% of [American] couples met online.”


“The ‘How Couples Meet and Stay Together’ (HCMST) project tracks trends in American dating and marriage over time….the HCMST project has compiled and analyzed demographic and relationship information from more than 5,000 American couples since 2009.” - Daily Citizen


Are “Deaths of Despair” Really Caused by Despair?


“Investigating the traditional ‘deaths of despair,’ Ruhm finds that a one standard deviation increase in poor mental health increases drug deaths by about 2.5% and alcohol deaths by 3.4%; suicide deaths, surprisingly, increase by only about 0.6%. …large predicted increases in other causes: heart disease, lower respiratory disease, and homicides.” - IFS


Mapping US Divorce Rates


“Couples who practice the Christian faith seriously and the disciplines and values it teaches face a substantially decreased life-time risk of divorce, some by as much as 30 to 50% reduced risk relative to the general population.” - Daily Citizen


New Research Confirms Having Married Parents Helps Kids Get Ahead


“Some researchers4 have made the case that marriage doesn’t matter much, while others have argued that marriage does matter. This raises the question—who is right? How much difference does marriage make in determining children’s later-in life success?” - IFS


Weekly Church Attendance Leads to Better Health


“Citing numerous studies and analyses, VanderWeele argues that the evidence suggests weekly religious service attendance is associated with ‘lower mortality risk, lower depression, less suicide, better cardiovascular disease survival, better health behaviors, and greater marital stability, happiness, and purpose in life.’” - Lifeway
