"Most Americans believe in heaven, hell and a few old-fashioned heresies."


“Two thirds (67 percent) of Americans believe heaven is a real place, according to the survey….Just under half of Americans (45 percent) say there are many ways to heaven… Catholics (67 percent) and Mainline Protestants (55 percent) are most likely to say heaven’s gates are wide open, with many ways in.


Who's "post-Christian" and who isn't?


Barna has developed a 15 question metric. “Post-Christian = meet at least 60% of the following 15 factors (9 or more factors) highly post-Christian = meet at least 80% of the following 15 factors (12 or more factors)”


Catholic intensity fades as evangelical devotion surges


“New research shows that Catholics now report the lowest proportion of ‘strongly affiliated’ followers among major American religious traditions, while the data indicates that evangelicals are increasingly devout and committed to their faith.” WP Story
