Record High Say Religion Can’t Answer Life’s Problems, Poll Shows
“The survey released Dec.
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“The survey released Dec.
“The most shared, bookmarked, and highlighted verse by YouVersion community members around the world this year is Isaiah 41:10” - Globe Newswire
“Europeans generally are less religious than people in other parts of the world. But within Europe, there are sometimes sizable differences in levels of religious commitment, according to an analysis of recent Pew Research Center surveys in 34 countries.” - Pew Research
“Pew Research Center found 59 percent of college-educated individuals have considered making changes in their religious congregation. However, only 38 percent of the participants who completed high school or lower types of education did the same.” - WRN
Pew Research: “More than 6 in 10 (61 percent) list that as their primary reason. Two-thirds attend to provide a moral foundation for their kids (69 percent), to become a better person (68 percent), or to find comfort in times of trouble (66 percent).” - BPNews
“We have a moral responsibility to guide one another towards reality as it is. For too many people on the left, the notion that they aren’t immediately entitled to the reality they choose for themselves is—and they use this word—fascist.” - American Conservative
“The number of Amish have tripled since 1984. They have been identified as one of the fastest moving communities in America. This has occurred for two reasons.” - WRNews
“[T]hese trends may be less about our abandoning the supernatural and more about our abandoning each other.” - NReview
“In addition to the books from Christian presses, there are now church groups to discuss the Enneagram in many Protestant congregations: Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches have joined Roman Catholic parishes in holding retreats and workshops on the Enneagram.” RNS
“It isn’t hard to find Baptists and other Protestants who believe Mormons are not Christians. But about half of all Americans and nearly every Mormon believe they are, the Pew Research Center has found.” - BNGlobal