Demon Possession & Mental Illness
Westminster Seminary California Blog: Do we treat all mental health issues as matters pertaining to sin or is there a legitimate place for medical science? I desire to address these questions as a pastor, not as an expert in either demon possession or psychiatric medicine. What does the Bible have to say on these issues?
Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results
“75% of social psychology experiments and half of cognitive studies failed the replication test” Study delivers bleak verdict
Book Review - Scripture and Counseling
There is no doubt that Jay Adams has had an indelible mark on the Christian counseling movement. While he was not the first to place a high view of Scripture as the ground of the practice, he certainly brought a renewed focus to the role of Scripture in Christian counseling. There are many pastors, counselors, and Christian counseling organizations that owe a debt of gratitude to his work.
"Mapping the brain won’t get us very far in understanding human motivation"
“Science may have the key, but will never find the lock.” Brain Scam
"[P]sychologists have begun recognizing that our spirituality impacts our lives"
“I propose that Christian mental health professionals operate on a middle ground, the bio/psycho/social/spiritual model, which considers both our dignity and depravity as humans.” The Integration of Christianity and Psychology: A guest post by Sarah Rainer
"[T]he DSM-5 lowers the thresholds for many diagnoses, and broadens the definitions of existing mental illnesses."
Controversial update to “bible” of psychiatry fuels debate over foundations of mental health: one book raises big questions