Americans Say God Doesn’t Care About the Super Bowl


“The 2024 Super Bowl drew more than 123.7 million U.S. viewers, the largest television broadcast viewership in the nation’s history. Yet, most U.S. adults don’t believe God cares who wins the Super Bowl or determines the game’s winner” - Lifeway


Accepting God’s Providence


“We cannot tell whether God means to bless America and the world by preserving Donald Trump, or to judge it. Time will tell. The same is true (although most likely on a smaller scale) for the Comperatore family. Surely, God’s providence allowed their loss.” - Don Johnson


Four Ways God Used a Church Fire for Good


“On November 1, 2022, our church building burned down. Not one part was salvageable. The fire swept through the attic at astonishing speed. Not a single notepad or paper clip remained.” - 9 Marks


God uses sinful people, but ...


“First, let’s not be overly impressed with people. We can honor leaders for their service, but let’s save our high praises for the Lord Himself.” - Michael Brown


7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 3

Read the series.

Number 3: Giftedness. You can’t do everything, but you can do something. Do what you can.

A consequence of providence is that God has directed in your life as well as in the life of the planet. Your conception, birth, and life circumstances are not random or accidental; they are purposeful, and better yet, those purposes come from a good and great person, whose interest in you is entirely benevolent.


Faith and Providence

This week I made my annual journey back to Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa, for the Refresh Conference.

It was my fourth Refresh, so I realized that, in essence, I have witnessed another class of college students pass through Faith’s doors during these days. To me that time seems like it has just whisked by—as does the entire interval since I was a seminary student at Faith.


7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 1

(Editor’s note: Written in 2018, but doesn’t seem to have lost any relevance!)

Many of my Christian friends are angry. Or afraid. Or both. At least, that’s the way it looks in their posts on social media.

And that’s too bad, for several reasons—


Is God in Control of Everything?


“God’s sovereignty and the wicked acts of men coordinate most shockingly in the death of Jesus. God used ‘the hands of lawless men’ to execute His ‘definite plan’ to offer His precious Son as payment for our sins (Acts 2:23; 4:28).” - Ligonier


Two Decades in the Providence of God

I distinctly remember the phone call. It was the spring of 1999, and I had worked up the nerve to telephone my esteemed professor, Dr. John C. Whitcomb—the man whose reputation caused me to choose my theological seminary five years previously.

To my surprise, he picked up the phone, stirring within me a mixture of relief and horror. It just seemed like it wasn’t the right instant to talk with him, however. I learned he was actually on his way to what would be his final international speaking trip, to London.
