Does Proverbs Plagiarize from Egyptian Wisdom?


“While the similarities are apparent in a side-by-side comparison, there are also numerous differences and other factors that caution against overplaying the potential link.” - DBTS Blog(link is external)


What Does “Train Up” Mean in Proverbs 22:6?


“Over the years, the verse has held as a precious promise to parents that if they do everything right, their kids will turn out right. It has also been used as a guilty club to beat up parents who are feeling defeated over the choices of a rebellious child. Both responses are a misinterpretation and a misapplication of the text.” - P&D(link is external)


Get Behind Me, Sluggard: Four Lessons Against Laziness


The sluggard “finds a native habitat in every soul…. When the alarm buzzes, he paws the snooze. When a work project calls for relentless focus, he quietly opens a new browser tab. When some unwelcome duty faces us… counsels, ‘Tomorrow.’” - Desiring God(link is external)


King Solomon’s Advice to Americans in 2023


“What means are justifiable in pursuit of good ends? What alliances are defensible? What schemes are permissible? … Proverbs takes a dim view of dirty tricks and amoral transactionalism.” - CToday(link is external)


Rejecting the Ways of the Sluggard


“We must first see that the Bible takes a dim view of idleness. This is clear in how Proverbs speaks of the sluggard. The word is used 14 times in the book of Proverbs; thus painting a clear and unflattering picture” - byFaith(link is external)
