Should Christians in the US ever protest the government?


“The counter argument—that protesting is incompatible with a Christian ethic—is usually made from texts like 1 Peter 2:13-14….But this is the beauty of the freedoms we have in the United States. Our government itself protects our ability to protest.” - Jesse Johnson


“...we must examine how anarchy is lying in wait to feed on our constitutional rights, and on our naiveté about our own vulnerability.”


“In an earlier blog I emphasized the importance of moral clarity for an effective protest. The case of George Floyd dripped with moral clarity — so much so that 78% of the country agreed that Derek Chauvin … should have been arrested immediately. However, such a national consensus and borderline unity was intolerable for the anarchists. It was necessary for them to muddy the moral waters to accomplish their objectives.


What turns protests into riots?


“Riots, as Haddock and Polby argue, ‘are apt to be a more or less recurrent, if unpredictable, feature of social life,’ not because of persistent injustice but because of the perverse incentives of rioters and poor public policy” - Acton


Is Peace Even Possible?


“Within the pressure-cooker of the Coronavirus pandemic we continue scraping at the festering wound of sinful racism. My heart breaks for my fellow black neighbors and for every police officer out there.” - Cameron Pollock


Prayer for the George Floyd Aftermath

Lord, sometimes an injustice is so grievous that even the inattentive pay attention. Our nation is reeling at the merciless death of George Floyd. If that were not enough, it is tragic that so many have dishonored this man’s death by their rioting and looting, thus providing ammunition for the enemies of racial equality. More people have died or been injured because of such abuses, multiplying further injustices to business owners, by-standers, or peaceful protestors. Fighting injustice with further and greater injustice displaces addressing the real issue.
