Prayer for the George Floyd Aftermath

Lord, sometimes an injustice is so grievous that even the inattentive pay attention. Our nation is reeling at the merciless death of George Floyd. If that were not enough, it is tragic that so many have dishonored this man’s death by their rioting and looting, thus providing ammunition for the enemies of racial equality. More people have died or been injured because of such abuses, multiplying further injustices to business owners, by-standers, or peaceful protestors. Fighting injustice with further and greater injustice displaces addressing the real issue.
Father, we know we have a problem. Practical solutions, however, seem elusive. Your Word tells us that man sees the outward appearance, but You look at the heart. We ask Your help to change attitudes and hearts, and help us value the dignity of all people.
We have nearly 700,000 police officers in our nation, and it only takes a few to tarnish the image of the overwhelming majority who truly seek to protect and serve. Help us weed out the few who are prone to nurture racial hatred or are mentally unstable, and encourage the very many who expend themselves on our behalf.
We know these social eruptions evidence a greater build-up below the surface. We look to You for guidance, protection, and changed hearts. Help us remember that we are all human beings, and we pray, O Lord, that more and more of us would embrace the Golden Rule Your Son taught us, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
We pray your special comfort for the family and friends of George Floyd, and we ask that we would honor his memory by attacking the problem, not people.
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
Ed Vasicek Bio
Ed Vasicek was raised as a Roman Catholic but, during high school, Cicero (IL) Bible Church reached out to him, and he received Jesus Christ as his Savior by faith alone. Ed earned his BA at Moody Bible Institute and served as pastor for many years at Highland Park Church, where he is now pastor emeritus. Ed and his wife, Marylu, have two adult children. Ed has published over 1,000 columns for the opinion page of the Kokomo Tribune, published articles in Pulpit Helps magazine, and posted many papers which are available at Ed has also published the The Midrash Key and The Amazing Doctrines of Paul As Midrash: The Jewish Roots and Old Testament Sources for Paul's Teachings.