Don’t Let Nietzsche Be Your Political Teacher


“while the political right may see itself in opposition to such an approach, populism’s rise suggests otherwise. For Nietzsche, the embodiment of the will to power was the Übermensch (the Overman or Superman), who embodied the ideals we now see played out in populist leaders.” - TGC


Is J.D. Vance the Religious Populist We’ve Been Searching For?


“Vance is right to be worried about the decline of Christianity in America and the rise of “the nones,”…. He is right to worry about the elites who promise us heaven on earth….But can we win culture wars through politics? If we could, should we?” - Acton


Rich Men North of Richmond: The Trouble with Outrage Anthems


“…the view that your choices have a real impact on your life, tends to predict socioeconomic success. The opposite is also true: When someone views themselves as mainly a victim of things beyond their control, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” - Breakpoint


“Two Corinthians” – Religious Populism in the West


“Tobias Cremer’s The Godless Crusade: Religion, Populism, and Right-Wing Identity Politics in the West, which evaluates this question on four interrelated arguments using Germany, France, and the United States as case studies.” - Providence


Prudence and Populism


“Edmund Burke warned that in poorly ordered democracies, ‘moderation will be stigmatized as the virtue of cowards; and compromise as the prudence of traitors.’” - Law & Liberty
